Tags - Israel
Rasa - Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization (CAO) has warned a Greek airline to cancel planned flights between Tehran and Tel Aviv after media reports that the Aegean had established an indirect route between the two cities.
News ID: 3176 Publish Date : 2015/08/18
Lebanese Sunni cleric:
Rasa – A prominent Lebanese Sunni cleric congratulated Hezbollah on its victory against the Israel i regime calling it a “humiliation” for the Zionists.
News ID: 3162 Publish Date : 2015/08/16
Rasa – On the anniversary of the end of the 2006 Lebanon War, a prominent Lebanese Sunni cleric has congratulated Arab and Islamic nations on Lebanon’s victory over Israel .
News ID: 3154 Publish Date : 2015/08/15
Ayatollah al-Nablusi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Afif al-Nablusi noted that the Zionist regime suffered a “great and historic” defeat in the 2006 Lebanon War and led to a promotion of incitement and sedition which continues to this day.
News ID: 3152 Publish Date : 2015/08/15
Rasa - Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah questioned the US seriousness in the war against terrorist groups, adding that Washington is using Takfiri terrorists to fulfill its divisive objectives.
News ID: 3148 Publish Date : 2015/08/15
Rasa - The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has announced it has successfully captured an Israel i drone that is now operational for use by its military wing.
News ID: 3133 Publish Date : 2015/08/13
Shaykh Na’im Qassem:
Rasa – A senior Hezbollah official said Israel was defeated because the Palestinian resistance stood up to the aggressors and the United States’ power was weakened as a result of the Islamic Resistance group’s victory over Israel in the 2006 war.
News ID: 3130 Publish Date : 2015/08/12
Rasa - The Israel regime has built a nightclub on a historic Muslim cemetery in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) which houses the remains of some companions of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and prominent intellectuals.
News ID: 3124 Publish Date : 2015/08/12
Pro-Palestinian activist:
Rasa - In an exclusive interview with Rasa News, Dr. Larudee said If we decide for justice for the Palestinian people, we can "make it impossible for Israel to exist."
News ID: 3114 Publish Date : 2015/08/11
Yaalon Warns:
Rasa - Israel i Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon made a less-than-veiled threat that covert assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists could resume.
News ID: 3094 Publish Date : 2015/08/09
Hujjat al-Islam Fadhlullah:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ali Fadhlullah: “Efforts to expel the remaining Palestinians in the West Bank are part of Israel ’s program to Judaize Jerusalem al-Quds so they can easily seize the al-Aqsa Mosque.”
News ID: 3093 Publish Date : 2015/08/08
Rasa – The Friday prayers’ leader of al-Rabi’yah in eastern Saudi Arabia condemned the silence of the UNSC and human rights organizations and Muslims in general in the face of this heinous crime.
News ID: 3066 Publish Date : 2015/08/02
Rasa – Mashhad’s Friday prayers’ leader has criticised Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister’s visit to Iran, saying that he has been involved in many crimes against this country since the 1980s.
News ID: 3058 Publish Date : 2015/08/01
Rasa - A Palestinian baby has been burned to death after Israel i settlers set fire to Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank.
News ID: 3047 Publish Date : 2015/07/31
Rasa - Israel i Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Secretary of State John Kerry has no reason to visit Israel after it emerged that the top US diplomat would skip Tel Aviv in his tour of the Middle East.
News ID: 3043 Publish Date : 2015/07/29
Rasa - A group of 30 rabbis has criticized the “unjust” demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank in a letter to Israel ’s outgoing ambassador to the UK.
News ID: 3034 Publish Date : 2015/07/29
Rasa - US Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that the Zionist entity could find itself more isolated and more blamed by the international community if a nuclear deal with Iran is overturned by Congress.
News ID: 3011 Publish Date : 2015/07/26
Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi in Eid al-Fitr sermon in Qom:
Rasa – Speaking in regard to the Saudi and Zionist opposition to Iran’s recently-achieved nuclear agreement with the P5+1 group of countries, Ayatollah Sa’idi stated that these two regimes were created by the UK to create division and conflict between the people of the Middle East.
News ID: 2984 Publish Date : 2015/07/18
Ayatollah Qablan:
Rasa – A prominent Lebanese Shi’a scholar has stated that the world has recognized Iran’s nuclear rights through the recently concluded agreement signed in Vienna and that the deal refutes the baseless accusations and fabrications brought forward by the Zionist regime that through its nuclear program, Iran intends to develop nuclear weapons.
News ID: 2974 Publish Date : 2015/07/16
Rasa - Israel i authorities have released Palestinian parliament member Riyad Mahmoud Raddad from detention after a year of imprisonment.
News ID: 2951 Publish Date : 2015/07/15