RNA – In a speech on the Beirut bombing, Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad-Taqi al-Modaressi, a senior Najaf-based Iraqi source of emulation, said, “What is happening in in terms of successive conflicts and incidents in [the Western Asia] region is a struggle between Satanic powers and humankind, between those who try to return the people to humiliation and dependence on them and between those who follow the guardianship of God. Those who are not satisfied except with the independence and sovereignty of their country.”
He added, “What is happening concerning the conflicts and wars in our region is due to the commands and dictates of these Satanic powers and those who don’t want establishment and security for the country and lure their agents into creating wars and chaos.”
Ayatollah al-Modarresi said, “Some Western politicians are politically blind and don’t see anything in the world other than the usurping Zionist regime and they want all countries to be subjected to that regime. Therefore, the pressures imposed on Lebanon are following such a policy, which is the policy of the house of obedience that means subjugating all countries and they follow this strategy in every ugly manner.”
His Eminence noted, “What happened in Lebanon was a great explosion that left thousands of victims and resulted in the destruction of large parts of the city of Beirut. Far from it being intentional or inadvertent, it must be said that it was an extremely great incident, and those who are responsible for its occurrence must receive their just punishment in this material world, otherwise God will punish them for their actions.”
Referring to the level of international sympathy with the Lebanese people, he added, “These expressions of sympathy demonstrate the position of Lebanon among the nations of the world who persuaded their governments to express their sympathy with Lebanon.”
In the end, Ayatollah al-Modarresi said, “In this atmosphere full of empathy and emotion, some of the harpoons of Satanic powers have shown rejoiced maliciously at the Lebanese people’s sorrow, even more so than the Zionists. However, the sympathy of the people of the world with the Lebanese people led to humiliation of the Zionists. It should be known that the Lebanese people are healing the wounds and overcoming the challenges, rebuilding their country, and the gatherings of evil are turning and hatred and enmity are returning to them and the people of the this valuable region are paying for their independence and dignity and its value is in the hands of God, as God has promised, ‘Whoever takes for his guardians God, His Apostle and the faithful [should know that] the confederates of God are indeed the victorious.’” [Holy Quran 5:56]
On the evening of August 4th, a series of explosions occurred in the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The extremely powerful main blast, at the Port of Beirut, which was preceded by a fire, left at least 154 people dead least 80 more missing, and more than 5,000 injured. Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud estimated that up to 300,000 people were left homeless by the explosion. The government declared a two-week state of emergency.
The explosion was linked to about 2,750 tonnes (3,030 short tons) of ammonium nitrate, equivalent to around 1,155 tonnes of TNT (4,830 gigajoules) that had been confiscated by the government from the abandoned ship MV Rhosus and stored in the port without proper safety measures for six years.
Rasa News Agency