RNA – In a statement, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad-Taqi al-Husayni al-Modarresi, an Iraqi source of emulation based in Najaf, said, “The type of combatting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) must become a behavioural habit in all people and this important action must be done be in the shadow of the continuation of the spread of the Coronavirus and since we are witnessing an increase in the number of patients and deaths and the lack of proper decision-making, this coexistence is necessary.”
The senior Iraqi scholar stated that today, mankind must correct their behaviour and restore their values and culture and added, “The wisdom of general tribulations is for mankind to return to God Almighty and to humble ourselves and supplicate before Him. At this time man becomes aware of his own shortcomings and therefore, one must rely on God in reforming himself and humanity.”
He added, “If mankind doesn’t correct its mistakes, this tribulation may continue for a while but that doesn’t mean we have to sit back and watch dozens of people die every day. Instead, we have to make serious decisions to deal with the spread of the Coronavirus, including social distancing and the use of masks and gloves.”
Ayatollah al-Modarresi said, “The travel ban isn’t enough to deal with the outbreak of the Coronavirus, which is why countries around the world have changed their minds because of the irreparable economic losses.”
His Eminence stressed that the solution is that we must all be committed to using masks, disinfectants and hygiene products.
He added, “Islamic societies have embraced many of the great dangers they have experienced and embraced, thanks to behavioural and hygienical habits and religious teachings, such as giving importance to purity and impurities, halal food, drinks, and sexual matters. They have been able to overcome diseases and it still isn’t difficult to add some other habits to these habits, such as the commitment to social distancing and the use of masks and quitting those actions which leads to the spread of the Coronavirus, such as pilgrimage to sacred places and mosques and we must observe health protocols.”
In conclusion, Ayatollah al-Modarresi called on the government to provide the necessary solutions and training to deal with the disease so that the people can benefit from it and don’t need to go to medical centres in person and added that the government must provide medicines, preventive measures and speed up electronic administration to reduce the presence of people in offices.
Rasa News Agency