RNA – In a message on the occasion of Muharram in the conditions of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Ayatollah Muhammad al-Ya’qoubi, a senior Iraqi source of emulation, said, “There is no doubt that keeping alive the Husayni rituals is one of the greatest religious practices in establishing the true religion and establishing it in the hearts of believers and inviting humanity to God Almighty. Therefore, standing up and striving to mourn is one of the clearest examples of God's word in the Quran. In verse 32 of Surah al-Hajj, which says: ‘And whoever venerates the sacraments of God — indeed that arises from the Godwariness of hearts.’”
He added, “But the outbreak of the Coronavirus, which is present in most countries and has affected millions of people, has been declared a deadly epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), so it is incumbent upon us, religiously and intellectually, to avoid possible harm to ourselves and take care of others and follow the health instructions that prevent the spread of this disease.”
Ayatollah al-Ya’qoubi noted, “Believers must observe social distancing, wear a mask, sterilize the place and hands when touching and avoid crowds when participating in the Husayni mourning rituals and other religious gatherings and if believers aren’t guaranteed to control and comply with these matters, it’s better to stay home with family members and listen to sermons through the internet and social media.”
His Eminence emphasized, “Continuing to recite Ziyarat Ashura [The Pilgrimage of Ashura] daily is very experienced in obtaining needs and repelling disasters and solving problems, and it also brings the reward and intercession of the Infallible Imams in the Hereafter.”
He said, “Reviving the memory of Imam al-Husayn must not be neglected and must include rituals such as donating blood, donating convalescent plasma from Coronavirus victims, visiting people in home quarantine, delivering oxygen tanks, providing medicines and making orphans happy and sympathizing with the deprived. Helping the needy in a way that preserves their dignity must be done in the name and memory of Imam al-Husayn.”
Ayatollah al-Ya’qoubi added, “Also, distributing brochures and installing billboards of Imam al-Husayn's words to the people or creating positive images that show the purpose of Imam al-Husayn's uprising and enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, must be on the agenda as a way to guide the people.”
He said, “The Iraqis have experienced, when they pay attention to the religious affairs and observe the health affairs, as we first saw the decrease of the Coronavirus in the month of Rajab last month. We can regain control of this disease. We ask God Almighty to remove the evils and losses from us and grant us comfort and health.”
Rasa News Agency