RNA – In a speech, Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad-Taqi al-Modarresi, an Iraqi source of emulation, said, “Iraq used to live in prosperity, but due to the Mongol invasion, the pursuit of dictatorships, occupation and successive wars, it fell into a deep sleep and a comprehensive revival to get out of that hibernation and return to life must be called. We should be dignified and proud but before planning, we should hope for the future and look at the light at the end of the dark tunnel.”
His Eminence emphasized, “A movement and awakening must be formed by all the children of this homeland, our vision must be for the future and we must build the country by following the Quranic approach, which is summarized in three articles.”
He stated, “First, piety to God Almighty means that man includes an integrated system of divine, human, civilized, and national values that are intertwined at the root, although their manifestation is different, such as honesty and loyalty, values of solidarity, and benevolence for others.”
Ayatollah al-Modarresi said, “Secondly, the search for a means to reach God Almighty, which is formed through good deeds and service to the people, and the greatest means to reach God are the Prophet and the Ahl al-Bayt, such that everyone follows them and follows their path. He will give the light of his guidance, he will be saved, and his intercession will be with God.”
His Eminence noted, “Third, jihad for the sake of God, and this means constantly moving towards building oneself and facing challenges, because jihad may one day show up in the fight against terrorism, one day in the face of destructive and influential media, and one day in the face of economic challenges.”
He stressed, “Today’s jihad is facing economic challenges. It’s building and prospering and reviving economic weakness and tackling this all-encompassing disease that has affected our lives and it shows that trust in oil as the main source of our national wealth is not a strong pillar because this country has strong men which prevents the country from relying on oil.”
Ayatollah al-Modarresi stated, “Iraq needs an independent fund through which it can maintain oil revenues in the form of gold bars or bonds so that the government can solve its economic problems when needed.”
In conclusion, he called for the cooperation of the government and the people in facing these challenges and said, “Iraq’s resources, including oil, must be in the hands of domestic companies so that the proceeds go back to the Iraqi people and this depends on the people starting to set up companies to extract oil to benefit the country.”
Rasa News Agency