Tags - Israel
Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah:
Rasa – Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah has censured Saudi Arabia for a recent visit to Israel by a delegation headed by a former military general.
News ID: 422620 Publish Date : 2016/07/29
Hujjat al-Islam Yasin:
Rasa – A Lebanese scholar said that Israel ’s ۲۰۰۶ invasion of southern Lebanon and the resistance of the youth of the Islamic Resistance led to the defeat of the army of the Zionist regime and shattered the West’s dreams to achieve its goals in the Middle East.
News ID: 422612 Publish Date : 2016/07/31
Ayatollah Sa’idi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Sa’idi said that the slogan of the Zionist’s used to be Israel would reach ‘from the Euphrates to the Nile’ but today, they have become gripped by the Gaza Strip and are suffering from severe insecurity and are living in fear.
News ID: 422543 Publish Date : 2016/07/08
Dr. Iyad Zaqout:
Rasa – The Programme Manager for the UNRWA Community Mental Health Programme said that Imam Khomeini, with his divine perspective, changed all the rules and introduced the last Friday of Ramadan as International al-Quds Day.
News ID: 422534 Publish Date : 2016/07/03
Rasa – Millions of people have attended the International al-Quds Day rallies across Iran and other countries to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and condemn Israel i atrocities.
News ID: 422526 Publish Date : 2016/07/01
Ayatollah Ka’bi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Ka’bi said the Al Saud and Al Khalifah are the greatest obstacles to the liberation of Jerusalem and the biggest factors in the lack of unity in the Islamic world and stressed that the fall of Al Saud will lay the groundwork for the liberation of Palestine.
News ID: 422521 Publish Date : 2016/07/03
Ayatollah Mamdouhi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Mamdouhi said that an “epic” turnout in the upcoming al-Quds Day rallies is a warning to the Zionists that ISIL could one day turn against them.
News ID: 422515 Publish Date : 2016/06/29
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Abedini said the Al Khalifah regime’s record of occupation is greater than the Israel i regime’s record of occupation and their crimes are also similar to the crimes of the Zionist regime.
News ID: 422504 Publish Date : 2016/06/27
Secretary-General of the Union of Resistance Scholars:
Rasa – A Lebanese Sunni scholar said that Wednesday’s operation in Tel Aviv is a message to the Israel i government, especially to Israel ’s newly-appointed Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman.
News ID: 422445 Publish Date : 2016/06/13
Rasa - Imam Khomeini (ra) was among the world's top spiritual leaders to influence boycotts against Israel , starting in ۱۹۶۷. With the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran under his leadership in ۱۹۷۹, Iran cut all ties with Israel .
News ID: 422434 Publish Date : 2016/06/07
Rasa - A senior Hezbollah official has ruled out the possibility of another Israel i war on Lebanon for this summer, but stated that the resistance movement is fully prepared to retaliate against any assault by the regime.
News ID: 422407 Publish Date : 2016/05/30
Ayatollah Sistani’s representative in Basrah:
Rasa – Basrah’s Friday prayer leader stated that the Kurdistan Regional Government is a traitor and an enemy of Iraq and urged Baghdad to reconsider its relationship with Erbil.
News ID: 422377 Publish Date : 2016/05/24
The Settler Colonialism Process:
Rasa - On May ۱۵, Palestinians took to the streets worldwide to commemorate the ۶۸th Nakba (catastrophe), or the ۱۹۴۸ establishment of Israel that dispossessed and displaced ۷۵۰,۰۰۰ Palestinians into refugee camps in neighboring countries.
News ID: 422363 Publish Date : 2016/05/20
Hujjat al-Islam al-Kourani:
Rasa – Referring to the developments in the region, a Lebanese Shi’a scholars has stressed that Zionism, the US and Saudi Arabia are trying to destroy Mahdism.
News ID: 422361 Publish Date : 2016/05/21
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that our opposition to Baha'ism is not only because of their enmity toward Islam and their plots against Muslims but they are certainly among the foreign agents of the United States and Israel .
News ID: 422351 Publish Date : 2016/05/17
Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Saidi said that the occupation of Palestine by Israel was one of the conspiracies by the United Kingdom and was immediately recognized by the United States and the former Soviet Union
News ID: 422340 Publish Date : 2016/05/13
Ayatollah Saidi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Saidi said that rather than truly fighting real terrorism, certain countries are the hidden hands of the West in the crises of the Islamic world in order to protect the support of the superpowers.
News ID: 4178 Publish Date : 2016/04/16
Ayatollah Saidi:
Rasa – Ayatollah Saidi said that rather than truly fighting real terrorism, certain countries are the hidden hands of the West in the crises of the Islamic world in order to protect the support of the superpowers.
News ID: 4177 Publish Date : 2016/04/16
Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah:
Rasa – Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, on Monday threatened the Zionists of striking all their petrochemical factories, biological institutes and nuclear stores as well as facilities if the Israel i army launches a major war against Lebanon.
News ID: 4089 Publish Date : 2016/03/22
Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah:
Rasa – Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, on Monday threatened the Zionists of striking all their petrochemical factories, biological institutes and nuclear stores as well as facilities if the Israel i army launches a major war against Lebanon.
News ID: 4088 Publish Date : 2016/03/22