۰۲ مهر ۲۰۲۰ - ۲۱:۳۳
News ID: ۴۵۰۳۲۸
Birth anniversary of Imam al-Ridha (a)
On the 11th of Dhul-Qa’dah, 148 AH (29 December 765 CE), a son was born in the house of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (the seventh Imam of Twelver Shi’ah Islam) in Madinah. He was named Ali and titled al-Ridha, literally meaning in Arabic, “the contented,” since it was believed that God was contented with him. His kunyah (alternative name) was Abul-Hasan, since he was the father of al-Hasan.
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03 July 2020 - 11:08
اَللّهُمَ صَلِّ عَلي علي بن مُوسَي الِّرِضا المَرُتَضي اَلاِمامِ التَّقيِّ النَّقيِّ وَ حُجَتِكَ عَلي مَن فَوقَ الاَرضِ و َمَن تَحت الثَّري اَلصِدّيقِ الشَّهيدِ صَلاةً كَثيرَةً تآمَّةً زاكِيَةً مُتَواصِلَةً مِتَواتِرَةً مُتَرادِفَة كَاَفضَلِ ما صَلَّيتَ عَلي اَحَدٍ مِن اوليائِكَ.
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