] Tags - Hezbollah
Tags - Hezbollah
Rasa - The special forces of Iraqi Hezbollah Battalion managed to attack the ISIL's military positions in the Southern part of the city of Mosul, and killed scores of the terrorists.
News ID: 426018    Publish Date : 2016/12/24

Iran diplomat:
Rasa - A senior Iranian official says the ongoing crises in the Middle East region can only be solved through an effective and all-out campaign against terrorism and extremism.
News ID: 426000    Publish Date : 2016/12/23

Hezbollah chief:
Rasa - The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says Takfiri militants perpetrating heinous crimes across the Middle East and North Africa have no connection to Islam and the religion's most revered figure Prophet Muhmamd (PBUH).
News ID: 425987    Publish Date : 2016/12/23

News ID: 425983    Publish Date : 2016/12/23

Senior Hezbollah Official:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Qawouq said that the liberation of the Syrian city of Aleppo from the occupation of the Takfiri terrorist group, Daesh, has buried the war against the identity and unity of Syria and the wishes of Saudi Arabia to divide the country.
News ID: 425887    Publish Date : 2016/12/19

Rasa - Fresh forces from Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement arrived in Eastern Homs in groups to join the Syrian Army soldiers in the bloody war against the ISIL.
News ID: 425825    Publish Date : 2016/12/16

Rasa - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has offered felicitations to the Arab nation on the liberation of Aleppo city from foreign-backed militants amid an ongoing mission to take out the remaining armed men and civilians from the embattled northwestern city.
News ID: 425806    Publish Date : 2016/12/15

Hezbollah Official:
Rasa - Deputy Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Movement Sheikh Naim Qassem said Thursday that the recent liberation of the northwestern Syrian city of Aleppo from Takfiri militants does not represent the end of terrorism in the Arab country.
News ID: 425799    Publish Date : 2016/12/15

Rasa - The secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement has promised imminent victory for Syrian government forces in the city of Aleppo. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said the only option for Syria and the resistance movement is safeguarding the region as well as the Islamic civilization against Takfiri threats. Hezbollah fighters have been helping the Syrian army to liberate Aleppo.
News ID: 425662    Publish Date : 2016/12/10

Rasa - Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says the "promised" victory is imminent for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the city of Aleppo.
News ID: 425646    Publish Date : 2016/12/09

Hezbollah’s Shaykh Na’im Qasim:
Rasa – Hezbollah ’s Deputy Secretary-General stressed that Daesh’s retreat from different areas is considered as a great victory for the Resistance Axis.
News ID: 425589    Publish Date : 2016/12/08

Vice-President of Hezbollah’s Executive Council:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Nabil Qawouq stressed that the achievements made by the Syrian army and the Islamic Resistance in Aleppo have created a new military and political equation and this has led to the failure, collapse and retreat of the Takfiri project.
News ID: 425539    Publish Date : 2016/12/07

Rasa - Lebanon's Hezbollah Resistance Movement fighters opened heavy fire at the gatherings of Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) in the Eastern part of the country near the border with Syria, inflicting a heavy death toll on the militants.
News ID: 425482    Publish Date : 2016/12/02

Rasa - An Israeli raid targeted a Syrian military post and a Hezbollah position early Wednesday near Beirut-Damascus highway, a security source told The Daily Star.
News ID: 425410    Publish Date : 2016/11/30

Rasa - The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance forces pounded ISIL's military positions in the Eastern part of Lebanon with heavy artillery fire, killing and wounding a number of militants.
News ID: 425362    Publish Date : 2016/11/28

Rasa - Lebanon’s resistance movement of Hezbollah strongly condemned a recent deadly terrorist bombing south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, which claimed the lives of 100 people, including Iranians.
News ID: 425298    Publish Date : 2016/11/25

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Iraq:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam al-Haydari said: "The US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have entered the chaos in Syria and have assisted Daesh and if it wasn’t for the likes of Iran and General Qasem Soleymani, the commander of the Qods Forces, the situation in Syria would be much worse.”
News ID: 425232    Publish Date : 2016/11/23

Rasa - Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement’s second-in-command, Sheikh Naim Qassem, said the election of “racist” Donald Trump as the US president and nationwide demonstrations staged against him signal a “real crisis” in the country.
News ID: 425228    Publish Date : 2016/11/22

Rasa - Syrian Army soldiers and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters carried out a joint attack on Jeish al-Fatah coalition of terrorist groups in the Eastern part of Aleppo city and captured key heights that overlook several militant-held neighborhoods.
News ID: 425184    Publish Date : 2016/11/20

Rasa - The (Lebanese) Hezbollah resistance movement has sent more troops to Syria to take part in the fight against the terrorists in the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib, media reports claimed on Saturday.
News ID: 425165    Publish Date : 2016/11/19