RNA – Speaking at a conference entitled “Two Thousand Revolutionary Youths” in Bojnourd, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Hashim al-Haydari, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Iraq, referred to the role of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guardianship of the Jurisprudent) and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Middle East and in the Islamic world and added, “Currently, the Islamic Republic of Iran does not just include Iran itself, but rather it includes the oppressed people of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon and all other Islamic countries who look toward Iran.”
The Iraqi cleric added, “For this reason, when Iran’s Supreme Leader issues a message, this message is not only for the people of Iran but rather it is for all of the resistance front and forces throughout the Islamic world.”
Referring to Iran’s influence beyond its borders, Hujjat al-Islam al-Haydari said that five years ago, when the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group first arrived in Syria and criminals from 83 countries began to gather in the country and began a brutal campaign against its people and government, everyone said that the Syrian government would not last more than four or five months but Ayatollah Khamenei’s stance was that he wanted the people of Syria to decide wether the government of Syria should remain in power or not and now we see the situation in Syria is improving and Syria will be liberated Insha’allah.
His Eminence added, we should note that the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have entered the chaos in Syria and have assisted Daesh and if it wasn’t for the likes of Iran and General Qasem Soleymani, the commander of the Qods Forces, the situation in Syria would be much worse.”
He said that Daesh was created and nurtured by the US and this fact has been admitted to by Hillary Clinton.