Service :
02 January 2017 - 17:15
News ID: 426223
Rasa - Forces from Iraq’s Hezbollah Brigades on Monday repelled a major attack by Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) in Tal Afar, a town located approximately 50 km west of Mosul.
Iraqi fighters from the Hashd al-Sha’abi (Popular Mobilization Units) advance toward the village of Shwah, south of the city of Tal Afar on the western outskirts of Mosul, December 13, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

RNA - The brigades claimed the lives of at least 30 Daesh members in western Tal Afar after the militants attempted to sneak into the area and carry out a major operation against the Arab country’s military, the Lebanese al-Mayadeen television channel reported.


According to the report, Daesh had planned to detonate five of its vehicles laden with explosives in Tal Afar, which lies on the main road to Syria.


In a separate development on Monday, three civilians were killed and seven other injured after a terrorist suicide bomber hit southern al-Karama district in Mosul.


Earlier, Commander of Iraq’s Counter-Terrorism Service Major General Abdel Ghani al-Asadi announced the start of the second phase of a massive operation launched on October 17 to retake Mosul.


Iraqi army and Popular Mobilization Units backed by Kurdish Peshmerga forces are continuing the operation to liberate Mosul from the foreign-backed terrorists.


Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city and the capital of Nineveh Province, fell into the hands of Daesh in June 2014.


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