] Tags - Zarif
Tags - Zarif
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has expressed dismay at the recent “improper” remarks by Turkish officials against the Islamic Republic.
News ID: 427666    Publish Date : 2017/02/25

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says sanctions and threats will never work against the Islamic Republic, urging the United States to adopt the language of respect on Iran.
News ID: 427553    Publish Date : 2017/02/20

FM Zarif:
Rasa - Amid ongoing US and Israeli attempts to portray Iran as an “aggressive” party, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reaffirms that the Islamic Republic’s missiles are a mere means of defending the nation against enemy threats.
News ID: 427536    Publish Date : 2017/02/20

Rasa - The Iranian and Russian foreign ministers have met on the sidelines of the 53rd Munich Security Conference, Russia’s Foreign Ministry says.
News ID: 427497    Publish Date : 2017/02/18

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says when Israel, the only regime in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons, “whines” about Iran’s defensive program, the brouhaha can only be taken as fake.
News ID: 427482    Publish Date : 2017/02/18

Iran’s Zarif:
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says any bid by the US to dispatch ground troops to Syria to allegedly fight Daesh Takfiri terrorists in the country would fan the flames of extremism in the Middle East and adversely impact the security of the whole world.
News ID: 427475    Publish Date : 2017/02/17

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called on world leader to boost efforts to promote peace across the globe.
News ID: 427304    Publish Date : 2017/02/11

FM Zarif:
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif attributed the country’s immunity to threats to the strong popular support for the Islamic Revolution.
News ID: 427265    Publish Date : 2017/02/10

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Tehran is “unmoved” by the United States’ threats and only relies on its own defense means amid hostile rhetoric against the Islamic Republic, including hints of military aggression, emanating from Washington.
News ID: 427096    Publish Date : 2017/02/03

Rasa - Iran says the US’s decision to restrict arrivals from the Islamic Republic shows the baselessness of the Washington’s claims of only having issues with the government in Tehran, adding that the move is the greatest gift to terrorists and their supporters.
News ID: 426939    Publish Date : 2017/01/29

Rasa - Iran has criticized the international community for turning a blind eye to the plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims, urging the Muslim world to unite in support of the persecuted minority.
News ID: 426661    Publish Date : 2017/01/19

Rasa - Iran has voiced readiness to work with Saudi Arabia to give an end to the regional conflicts including the war in Yemen. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said ties between Tehran and Riyadh can go back to normal if Riyadh sees the realities on the ground.
News ID: 426654    Publish Date : 2017/01/19

Rasa - Tehran is against the US participation in the upcoming Astana talks on January 23, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Tuesday.
News ID: 426634    Publish Date : 2017/01/18

Rasa - The joint commission monitoring the implementation of the 2015 nuclear accord between Tehran and six world powers is to hold a meeting in Vienna, Austria, to discuss Washington’s extension of an anti-Iran sanctions law.
News ID: 426429    Publish Date : 2017/01/10

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed deep concern over the plight of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, calling on the secretary general of the United Nations to take immediate actions to help end the suffering of the people.
News ID: 426338    Publish Date : 2017/01/07

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has proposed ways to pave the way for creating a mechanism to uproot terrorism and extremism worldwide.
News ID: 426159    Publish Date : 2016/12/30

Iran’s Zarif:
Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the era for the hegemony of world powers has come to an end.
News ID: 425699    Publish Date : 2016/12/11

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif slammed US plans to extend sanctions against Iran for ten more years, stressing that it will testify to lack of US credibility in the international community.
News ID: 425486    Publish Date : 2016/12/03

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has warned that Israel is the main problem facing the Muslim world, calling on Muslim countries to unite rather than diverge in the face of the usurping regime.
News ID: 425038    Publish Date : 2016/11/14

Rasa - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called for Islamic countries' vigilance to foil enemies' plots against Muslim unity.
News ID: 425027    Publish Date : 2016/11/14