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Tags - Friday Prayers
Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad:
Rasa – Ayatollah Khamenei’s representative in Esfahan province emphasized that non-revolutionary Islam is the same as “American Islam” and revolutionary Islam is the same as pure Muhammadan Islam. 
News ID: 422315    Publish Date : 2016/05/09

Tehran Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Seddiqi led this week’s ritual of Tehran Friday Prayers and touched upon Iran-US relations, the US court seizure of Iran’s funds and a host of other issues.
News ID: 422313    Publish Date : 2016/05/07

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Arafi referred to the US’ malice toward Iran and their “black record” toward other nations and stressed that vigilance and resistance against the US is necessary.  
News ID: 422310    Publish Date : 2016/05/09

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri that the effects of Ayatollah Khamenei’s statement ‘we do not trust the Americans’ may be hard for some to understand but as time passes, the proof of the Americans’ treason and sabotage increases and it is unclear how long this will continue.
News ID: 422272    Publish Date : 2016/04/30

Qom ‌Friday ‌Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Sa’idi referred to the 36th anniversary of the defeat of the Americans in “Operation Eagle Claw” in Tabas, saying this incident was a message to us that the hand of God is supporting the Islamic Revolution and Iran’s Islamic system of government.
News ID: 422254    Publish Date : 2016/04/27

Rasa – Ayatollah Jannati referred to the designation of current Iranian year as the “Year of Economy of Resistance: Plan and Implementation,” saying that resistance economy needs revolutionary methods.
News ID: 4176    Publish Date : 2016/04/16

Rasa – Ayatollah Arafi condemned the Western arms race, asking: “Why do fragile arms races exist in the world when there are a billion people suffering from malnutrition and poverty?
News ID: 4169    Publish Date : 2016/04/15

Najaf Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam al-Qubanchi referred to the beginning of the liberation process of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul as a “historic battle” and “the end of ISIL” in Iraq.
News ID: 4103    Publish Date : 2016/03/26

Tehran Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Tehran’s provisional Friday prayer leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ahmad Khatami, said the threats made by the US presidential candidates against Iran to scrap the nuclear deal are nothing new as the US government always breaches its promises and defies its undertakings.
News ID: 4102    Publish Date : 2016/03/26

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Arafi said Iran’s missile program and scientific and technological developments are intended for defence purposes and are backed by the Islamic Resistance and added that Iran’s missile program is not negotiable and the country will never retreat from its aims.
News ID: 4101    Publish Date : 2016/03/25

Rasa – Ayatollah Movahedi-Kermani accused Saudi Arabia of “lying” about ensuring safety of the Hajj pilgrims, asking the Iranian officials to deal with the issue very carefully to ensure security of the country’s pilgrims and prevent another disaster like the deadly Mina tragedy in 2015.
News ID: 4078    Publish Date : 2016/03/18

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s enemies are seeking to infiltrate Iran by hypocritically presenting themselves as compassionate and friendly in order to implement their “evil” goals by deceiving the people.
News ID: 4077    Publish Date : 2016/03/18

Tehran Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – “The uproar that enemies have made about Iran’s recent missile tests arises from their concern about the Islamic Republic’s scientific advances,” Ayatollah Emami-Kashani said.
News ID: 4058    Publish Date : 2016/03/11

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Arafi reacted to [P]GCC's official announcement that the group has added Hezbollah to its list of so-called terrorist groups and stressed that Hezbollah is bulwark against the enemies of Islam and the Zionists and that these insignificant and failed states cannot stand against Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance.
News ID: 4032    Publish Date : 2016/03/04

Hujat al-Islam Seddiqi:
Rasa - Tehran’s provisional Friday prayers leader hailed the strong presence of Iranians in the ongoing elections as a testimony to the religious strength of the Islamic Revolution.
News ID: 3994    Publish Date : 2016/02/27

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi said the Iranian people hate the blatant interference of the enemies, especially the “wily fox,” the United Kingdom, which supports the enemies of the people.
News ID: 3993    Publish Date : 2016/02/26

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – “Since the 15 Khordad demonstrations of 1963, the Iranian people have been in the service of Islam and the formation of the Islamic Revolution and this honour and divine grace is indescribable or understandable and it is clear that a divine hand guided this movement,” Ayatollah Arafi emphasized.
News ID: 3937    Publish Date : 2016/02/12

Rasa – A senior Iranian cleric on Friday called on the Iranian nation to show a high turnout in the parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections due to be held later this month, saying that “enemies are zooming on the country” but the massive participation would make them retreat.
News ID: 3906    Publish Date : 2016/02/05

Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Sa’idi said the capture of these two strategic town’s by the Islamic Resistance and the Syrian Arab Army has undermined the Takfiri terrorists’ morale and has left Turkey and Saudi Arabia distraught.
News ID: 3905    Publish Date : 2016/02/05

Tehran Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – A senior Iranian cleric urged President Hassan Rouhani’s administration not to allow the domestic market to turn to a hub for American and European goods, especially after the recent termination of anti-Iran sanctions following the implementation of nuclear deal.
News ID: 3867    Publish Date : 2016/01/29