Rasa News Agency Reports – In an interview with the international correspondent of Rasa, Salah al-Din Turk Ilmaz, the chief of Berlin’s Islamic Center said: “Imam Khamenei was specially emphasizing on the awakening of the oppressed [nations] before and after the revolution in Iran and finally this ideology became the most important slogan of [Iranian] revolution and being heard by the world nations. While some were avoiding this message from being spread in the world, and were preventing the nations awakening from happening.
“What Imam [Khomeini] meant by exporting the revolution to other countries was in fact exporting the awakening and this is a reality that the world nations must be awake and defend their rights against the oppressors. That’s why the arrogant powers built the wall of ignorance and tyranny around the Islamic countries. They do so to avoid the message of Imam [Khomeini] to reach them.” He added.
Ilmaz declared: “Ayatollah Khamenei interoperated the message of Imam Khomeini to the people after his demise and similar to Imam Ali that was the extender of prophet’s path, [Imam Khamenei] could well extend the path of Imam Khomeini.”
“The Supreme Leadership is an implement for the people to be awake and must be introduced to the people around the world. Ayatollah Khamenei quite well applied this divine tool that the iron walls of the arrogant powers perished.” He said.
He pointed out: “if you perpend the speeches of the supreme leader, you would notice several different strategies in confronting US and Israel. The first of all is to stress on a political system depended on the supreme leadership as a system which pursues justice and is a preface of the government of Imam Mahdi.”
Declaring the second strategy regarding Iran’s foreign policy, he said: “The second strategy of his, that has been announced lately and has had a widespread reaction from European countries, is the announcement of Islamic civilization that is in confrontation to the civilization based on western Liberal Democracy. This ideology has seriously challenged the west and while this ideology is crossing western borders, there is no strong logic to confront it.”
“The third strategy is to use an active strategy and not being passive in dealing with the west. Ayatollah Khamenei always stresses that they shouldn’t always be the aggressor and questioner and we defend. Rather we should show them that we have a lot to say and the world [should] listen to us.” Added the chief of the Islamic Center in Berlin.
At the end of his interview, Ilmaz emphasized: “another strategy of Iran’s leader in dealing with US and Israel is to announce [the slogan of] “Economic and Political epic” because the outer image of a political epic can be the explanation of an Islamic political system to the world.”