] Tags - Taghut
Tags - Taghut
News ID: 447326    Publish Date : 2019/09/27

Hujjat al-Islam Rafiee:
The teacher of Qom Seminary said, “Imam Khomeini rose against Taghut awaking the consciences and directed the revolution towards victory.”
News ID: 445279    Publish Date : 2019/06/06

Head of the World Union of Proximity Among Religions:‎
Rasa – Hujjat al-Islam Taghavi emphasized that Islamic parties must seek to establish a rule ‎of justice‏ ‏and equality and said, “Parties must help with increasing enlightenment of the ‎Islamic awakening and inform others so that they can help the oppressed people.”‎
News ID: 441696    Publish Date : 2018/11/24

Ayatollah‌‌ ‌Khamenei:
Rasa – Ayatollah Khamenei says certain Muslim governments have been betraying their people by helping the US implement its policies in the region. 
News ID: 422359    Publish Date : 2016/05/18