RNA – “Some Islamic governments are betraying their people and the Islamic Ummah and paving the way for the United States’ influence,” the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, told participants at an international Qur’an competition in Tehran Wednesday.
“Certain (governments) in the Islamic world, instead of clinging to the Qur’an, are clinging to taghut,” Ayatollah Khamenei said, using the Arabic word for idolatry or the worship of anything except God.
“The United States is the major taghut and the Great Satan,” the Leader added.
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Those who are implementing the United States’ policy in the region are adhering to taghut and do not have disbelief in taghut.”
The Leader also said Takfiri terrorists and Wahhabi affiliates are doing the enemy’s bidding by “consigning the Palestinian issue to oblivion” through their reign of terror in the Middle East.
ISIL and other Takfiri groups follow an ideology rooted in Wahhabism which is preached by Saudi clerics and is tolerated and even supported by its rulers.
Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Satanic powers are scared of Islam and the 1.5-billion Muslim community.”
The Leader said tremendous sums of money is being spent to harm Islam and Muslims, but “we have no doubt that victory belongs to Islam.”
“The enemy is afraid of a powerful and brave Islam,” Ayatollah Khamenei said, citing Iran as the main target of attacks because of this fear.
“Resistance against the United States is the main point of Iran’s prowess,” the Leader said, adding “neither the enemy’s promises deceive us nor its threats frighten us.”
“They (enemies) know that the Islamic Republic’s stances are influential in the world. We are sincere with Muslim nations and our words and deeds are the same,” he added.