] Tags - Saudi
Tags - Saudi
Rasa - US President Donald Trump has reiterated that he stands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman despite a CIA assessment that he personally ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and pressure from fellow Republicans in Congress to rebuke the kingdom’s de facto ruler.
News ID: 442058    Publish Date : 2018/12/13

Rasa - Future United States House Foreign Affairs Committee leader, Senator Eliot Engel, has planned to launch an investigation about US policy on Saudi Arabia, including ties between senior White House adviser Jared Kushner and Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.
News ID: 442036    Publish Date : 2018/12/12

Rasa - A new report by the UN refugee agency says on average some 123 civilians get killed in Yemen per week.
News ID: 442035    Publish Date : 2018/12/11

Rasa - Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir says the kingdom is in talks with the United States about a new security alliance of Arab countries specifically aimed at countering Iran.
News ID: 442025    Publish Date : 2018/12/11

American Senator:
Rasa - South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News on Sunday that Saudi Arabia's military "can't fight out of a paper bag" when confronted with Mideast challenges including Iran, and insisted that the US has the necessary leverage to punish the Saudi leadership for its apparent role in the murder of dissident writer Jamal Khashoggi.
News ID: 442020    Publish Date : 2018/12/11

Rasa - Saudi Arabia has is a regional "puppet" of the United States, an American analyst says, arguing that Washington needs Riyadh as part of its grand plan for global domination.
News ID: 442017    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa - Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement says it is open for more talks with representatives of the country’s former Saudi Arabia-backed government if underway negotiations in Sweden make progress.
News ID: 442013    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa - Ties between Saudi Arabia and the United States face an uncertain future as Congress and the White House grow more divided over punishing the traditional Middle East ally over a range of issues, including the ongoing war against Yemen.
News ID: 442008    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa - The policies of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are harmful to unity among the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council’s member states, says a commentator.
News ID: 442006    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa - The Israeli government was directly involved in the sale of sophisticated spyware to Saudi Arabia to help the kingdom purge and assassinate dissidents, according to a report.
News ID: 442005    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa - Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says the United States is behind the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen by providing arms and financial support for the aggressor states, which have been wreaking havoc in the war-torn country.
News ID: 442001    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa - US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser has reportedly continued to have private contacts with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) following the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
News ID: 442000    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Israeli TV:
Rasa - A main Israeli TV station has revealed that the regime in Tel Aviv is seeking full diplomatic relations with the Saudi Arabian government and wants to make their ties official within the next few months.
News ID: 441997    Publish Date : 2018/12/10

Rasa – Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad-Sa’id al-Hakim conveyed his condolences on ‎the death of Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Tahir al-Salman, a renowned scholar from al-Ahsa.‎
News ID: 441994    Publish Date : 2018/12/11

Rasa - Some 53 percent of Yemen’s population, 15.9 million people, is now facing “severe acute food insecurity” as the direct result of a Saudi -led invasion of the impoverished country and the ensuing economic collapse, a survey says.
News ID: 441986    Publish Date : 2018/12/09

Yemeni Political Analyst and Expert:‎
Rasa – Mr. Abdullah al-Sharafi pointing out that the political process has always been a excuse for the ‎ Saudi coalition, said, “The outcome of the negotiations in Sweden must truly end the crisis in Yemen ‎and the war in that country.” ‎
News ID: 441977    Publish Date : 2018/12/09

Rasa - The world needs to act now because according to a new report by the World Food Program, Yemeni civilians are enduring a famine.
News ID: 441967    Publish Date : 2018/12/08

Rasa - Iran's missile tests continue to be a very big deal for the United States and some of its NATO allies.
News ID: 441966    Publish Date : 2018/12/08

Rasa - Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani blasted the Saudi regime's non-stop attacks on Yemen and massacre of the Yemeni civilians.
News ID: 441960    Publish Date : 2018/12/08

Rasa - The US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged Saudi Arabia to allow independent observers to gain access to and ensure the safety of a number of women activists jailed in the kingdom, saying Riyadh is no longer trustworthy after its lies about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
News ID: 441958    Publish Date : 2018/12/08