] Tags - Daesh
Tags - Daesh
Rasa - The Lebanese army says a high-ranking Daesh militant commander recently arrested at a Palestinian refugee camp in the southern part of the country had been planning simultaneous bombings.
News ID: 423843    Publish Date : 2016/09/23

Rasa - The Iraqi prime minister has renewed the call for Turkish troops deployed in the country since last year to withdraw as they complicate the battle to retake the northern Daesh stronghold of Mosul.
News ID: 423832    Publish Date : 2016/09/23

Rasa - The top US military officer says it is unwise to share intelligence with Russia if Washington and Moscow were to ever work together against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group in Syria.
News ID: 423814    Publish Date : 2016/09/22

Ayatollah al-Hakim:
Rasa – Ayatollah al-Hakim said that members of Iraq’s former Ba’ath Party have partnered with Takfiri groups to target Shi’a mourning ceremonies.
News ID: 423813    Publish Date : 2016/09/22

We reject the ideology of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Rasa – Ayatollah Arafi said the concept of jihad has a place in the heart of our teachings and dealing with it is part of the mission of the Islamic Seminary. 
News ID: 423807    Publish Date : 2016/09/24

The head of the Union of Iraqi Sunni Scholars:
Rasa – Shaykh Khalid al-Mulla stated that Ayatollah al-Sistani’s fatwa was issued at an appropriate time such that that all regional equations and the sickening thoughts of the enemies were damaged.
News ID: 423782    Publish Date : 2016/09/22

Rasa - Iraqi army soldiers, backed by fighters from pro-government tribal units, have fully liberated a strategic district in the western province of Anbar from Takfiri Daesh terrorists.
News ID: 423779    Publish Date : 2016/09/21

Rasa - Iraq says its army and volunteer forces have begun operations to rid a town near the Daesh stronghold of Mosul of the Takfiri terrorist group’s presence.
News ID: 423741    Publish Date : 2016/09/20

Rasa - The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has launched an investigation into Saturday’s stabbing spree at a mall in Minnesota, treating it as a “potential act of terrorism.”
News ID: 423696    Publish Date : 2016/09/19

Rasa - Displaced residents of the Iraqi city of Fallujah have begun returning to their homes, some three months after armed forces fully liberated the flashpoint city from the grips of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group.
News ID: 423688    Publish Date : 2016/09/19

Rasa - A man in the US state of Minnesota has been killed by police after stabbing 8 people in a shopping center, an attack that was later claimed by the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group.
News ID: 423673    Publish Date : 2016/09/18

Ayatollah al-Nablusi:
Rasa – The Lebanese Shi’a cleric said that on Eid al-Adha, Daesh slaughtered a group of youths in a brutal manner which was an unspeakable affront to humanity.
News ID: 423638    Publish Date : 2016/09/13

Rasa - The United States military says that Daesh (ISIL)’s information minister, who oversaw the Takfiri group’s propaganda, has been killed in a US-led airstrike.
News ID: 423615    Publish Date : 2016/09/17

Rasa - A Young Iraqi Izadi woman, who survived sex slavery at the hands of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, has become the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking.
News ID: 423611    Publish Date : 2016/09/17

Rasa - The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has executed four of its own members after accusing them of providing information to the Iraqi air force for a recent airstrike that claimed the lives of a number of its senior commanders.
News ID: 423602    Publish Date : 2016/09/16

Russia Foreign Ministry:
Rasa - The Daesh terrorist group’s progression in Afghanistan is a severe security threat for Russia, says a Russian Foreign Ministry official.
News ID: 423529    Publish Date : 2016/09/14

Rasa - Iraq's joint military forces prevented the ISIL terrorists equipped with heavy military equipment from opening their way into al-Qayyara to capture the strategic city in the Southern part of Nineveh province.
News ID: 423511    Publish Date : 2016/09/13

Rasa - The ISIL beheaded several civilians the terrorist group has recently arrested in Syria's Deir Ezzur province after hanging them upside-down.
News ID: 423506    Publish Date : 2016/09/13

Rasa - A top US official says more than 110 people have been publicly charged in federal courts on counts related to the Daesh terrorist group since late 2013.
News ID: 423504    Publish Date : 2016/09/13

Rasa - Police in Germany have arrested three foreign nationals on suspicion of being sent to the European country by the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group to conduct terrorist attacks or recruit new members.
News ID: 423493    Publish Date : 2016/09/13