Rasa News Agency reports – This afternoon, Ayatollah Hosein Nouri-Hamadani, met with a group of commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ and mentioned a narration from the Prophet Muhammad (S): “On the Day of Judgement, no one will step forward [into heaven] unless he answers four questions: How did you spend your life? What did you spend your youth doing? From where did you gain your income and where did you spend it? Then he will be asked about [his belief] in the guardianship of the Ahlul-Bayt (A).”
In this tradition of the Prophet (S), “money” is considered a symbol of power. “Those who are responsible for the management [of funds or affairs] or have any sort of power in their hands will also be held accountable,” Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained.
Besides the aforementioned subject, Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani also discussed the exegesis of the 86th chapter of the Holy Quran, “at-Tariq” (The Nightcomer): “In this chapter, God has sworn by the light of the heavens and the stars which have cleft the universe asunder. God has emphasized this by swearing on it this so mankind will understand the immensity of the universe which He has created.”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained that one of the ways to understand God is to contemplate on the creation of the heavens. “The [worldly] engagements and problems which occupy our time on earth are often obstacles to meditation on the wonders of divine creation.”
He pointed to the fourth verse of the Quranic chapter “at-Tariq” wherein God has said: “there is a guard over every soul” [this refers to the Prophet Muhammad]. “[This means that] our actions in this life will be recorded,” this great exegist stated.
In the next verse God says: “So let man consider from what he was created.” Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani says that this means that we should not doubt God’s power.
In verses 15 and 16, God has said: “Indeed they are devising a plan, and I [too] am devising a plan.” We can appreciate this divine message even today as the enemies of Islam and the Islamic Revolution, from the beginning until today, have been making plans and plots against us, but God has said that He is also planning. If we are righteous, obedient to His divine commands, and stay under his guardianship, He promises us that we will be victorious.”
In regards to verse 17, “So respite the faithless; give them a gentle respite,” Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani stated that “perhaps in a short time, the United States, the Zionists, their Western allies and the Takfiris will be able to make inroads against us and attack, but in the end, the believers will only be victorious.”