Rasa News Agency Reports – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News, the Friday Preacher of Imam Hassan Mosque in Medina, Hojatolislam Sheikh Kazim al-Amri mentioned that the US and the Zionist regime have always designed diabolical plans against Iran but have never had succeeded and said: “One of these plans were the Iran-Iraq war. By empty promises, the arrogant countries asked Saddam Husain, the former Iraqi dictator, to destroy Iran. With the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini and the proud people of Iran thwarted the plan of the puppets of the arrogant powers.”
“Imam once said that Saddam Hussain is a puppet dictator of the arrogant plans and one day he will be destroyed by the plans of the arrogant powers themselves. And it happened and the history witnessed the downfall of the Ba’ath regime by the arrogant powers.” He added.
Sheikh Kazim al-Amri said: “The global arrogant tried a lot to downfall the Islamic Republic of Iran by creating seditions among the Iranian nation but they didn’t succeeded in this case either, because thanks to the leadership of Ayatollah Khamenei and the people’s adherence, today the plots of the enemy are being neutralized.”
“Because the western countries gain no results from their diabolical plans against Iran, they have sanctioned the country’s oil products export under the pretext of the nuclear energy so that they can create division between the Imam [Khamenei] and the nation by the [means] of economic pressure. But by resisting and with the help of God, the Iranian nation will succeed in this level of the revolution.” He continued.
Mentioning that there is a clear power of speech and determination in Imam Khamenei’s speeches and addresses, The Friday Preacher said: “These deep characters can be seen in none of the leaders of the western countries and that’s why the scholars and the open minded have realized his dignity and determination by hearing about his knowledge. If the western countries have such influential, powerful and wise figure like Imam Khamenei, show it the world.”
The Hojatolislam also said: “By standing and resisting against the diabolical plans of the arrogant countries, the Iranian nation has proved to the world that they are supporting the Islamic political system [of their country]. On 22th of Bahman (11th of February) last year we witnessed that despite the harsh sanctions of the west and hard economic pressures and also the Opposition media’s activities, the Iranian nation take to the streets to demonstrate in support of the government and the leadership and chanted slogans against the arrogant powers.”
He pointed out that the words of Ayatollah Khamenei have a place in the hearts of all the Muslim nations including the scholars and the open minded and added: “These words come from a pure and God fearing heart with a clear intention as the Holy Quran says ‘Only those fear Allah, from among His servants, who have knowledge.’ [35:28].”
Considering the words of Imam Khamenei as rich, meaningful, logical and full of Islamic thought and scientific analysis and indicated: “The Islamic nations are carefully considered taking advantage of these precious remarks the way the Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistant in Lebanon and Palestine are taking effects from the remarks of Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah.”
He also mentioned the opposition media’s actions to influence on reflecting the speeches of the supreme leader and said: “The Medias depending on the Zionist channels start analyzing Imam Khamenei’s words right just after the speech ends and they try to reduce its effect over the hearts of the nations. In fact they know that the root of these words is the same deep Islamic knowledge and originated from the lifestyle of the prophets progeny.
“At the time of the overthrow of ousted Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, when the words of Ayatollah Khamenei reached Egyptian nation, they could accelerate their movement to gain victory by taking advantages of Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks.” He added.
The Sheikh then mentioned the role of Ayatollah Khamenei in the Islamic Awakening in the region and declared: “The supreme Leader have had several speeches in case of any crisis the Islamic nations have faced and they (the Muslims) have taken advantage of these remarks and have used them in their revolutionary movements and that shows the his wisdom in analyzing the on-going events in a correct way.”