Ayatollah Makarim explicitly warned Al-Saud: Ka’aba and Masjid Al-Haram is not your private property
Rasa – Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi has warned the Saudis about the new conspiracies and mentioned about the reaction on the Shia Muslims of the country, being caused due to the internal and foreign crisis Saudi Arabia is going through.

Rasa News Agency Reports – At the beginning of his lessons in the Great Mosque of Qom on Wednesday, One of the Islamic Legal Authorities, Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi, in mentioning the non-Islamic actions of the Saudi authorities with the Shia Muslims and arresting the Shia scholars and figures of the country, warned the Saudi officials against the consequences of such actions.
“We have some reliable news from Saudi Arabia that recently the Saudi government is badly treating the Shiites and has launched a conspiracy in the name of uncovering the spy team” said the Ayatollah, mentioning the misconduct of the Saudi Arabia toward Shiite and arresting around 20 Shiite scholars and figures of the country.
Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi said: “With this conspiracy and on the pretext of uncovering the espionage team, they arrested some of the great figures of Shiite and the attorney general even asked for one of the famous Shiite scholars named Sheikh Nimr to be executed. This is a new plot. However the scholars and the university professors of the country have published declarations and considered this as a plot and have criticized it”.
“The Saudi government is under pressure from inside [the country] and outside. From inside they are under the pressure of reforms; because the people have woken up and their levels of awareness have increased and they are insisting on establishing a democratic government which is their certain right.” Said Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi, in elaborating the causes of such actions by the Saudi Government.
The Islamic Legal authority clarified that: “We are also witnessing that outside of this country and in other countries the Islamic awakening has started and the tyrant and dictator governments are being crumbled one after another, Saudis have also had failures regarding the events of Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and etc.. so based on this, they are launching these conspiracies to diverse the public opinion and by saying that they have arrested a team of spies, they try to diverse the public opinion that any misery they have is because of the Shia Muslims”.
The outstanding teacher of the Qom Seminary emphasized: “the Saudi official should understand that the countries Shiite are not alone and any if any danger threaten them, definitely the worlds Shiite and non-Shiite Muslims won’t be silent. Do not think that you can condemn them in a sham trial”.
In mentioning the increase of Saudi officers irritability in dealing with the Iranian pilgrims the Islamic jurist said that these misconducts not only happen in Baqi, but also in Masjid Al-Nabi there are some contempt’s toward scholars.
He added: “We must ask them that aren’t they [Iranian pilgrims] the guest of Allah? Even according to the international conventions, anyone that gets a VISA from a government gets considered as their guest and his life, wealth and honor must be protected. How do you allow other to offend you?”
Considering this fact as being against the Islamic teachings, Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi Said: “This is a deviation from humanity, Islam and international conventions”.
He added: “Do you think that Mecca, Medina, the holy sanctuaries, Kabaa and the Majid Al-Haram is your private property and you can do whatever you want; these holy places belong to all the Muslims across the world. The majority of the Muslims, except the Wahhabi minority consider pilgrimage of the graves as a good did and Muslims can act according to their beliefs and the Fatwa of their legal authorities.
The legal authority, considering the formation of a board of supervisors by the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) to wield these holy places as necessary, said: “One day the OIC must form a group to supervise the holy shrines to avoid a minority to impose their beliefs on others. This fact is not compatible with any logic and they should pay attention to these obvious facts”.
In another part of his speech, Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi explained some issues regarding the up-coming presidential election and in mentioning the differences between the western and Islamic democracy, emphasized on the necessity of moving in the divine path and in the framework of Islamic jurisprudence for the Iranian presidential candidates.
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