] Tags - 33-day war
Tags - 33-day war
Qom Friday Prayer Leader:
Rasa – Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said that Hezbollah’s victory in the 2006 33-Day War wasn’t just a victory for themselves, but was a victory for Islam and the Quran.
News ID: 422678    Publish Date : 2016/08/13

Hezbollah’s Hujjat al-Islam Safieddin:
Rasa – The head of Hezbollah’s Executive Council noted the intense campaign against the Islamic Resistance by certain Arab regimes and stressed that the cost of Israel’s 33-Day War against Hezbollah was paid by some Arab rulers.
News ID: 422669    Publish Date : 2016/08/14

Lebanese Sunni Cleric:
Rasa – Shaykh Abdul-Razzaq said that the presence of Hezbollah in Syria and in the fight against Takfiri groups is an important step to defend Lebanon and that one could even say its actions are in defence of the Islamic world and all Arab countries.
News ID: 422615    Publish Date : 2016/07/31

Hezbollah Deputy Leader:
Rasa - Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem underlined that Hezbollah's victory in the 33-day war against Israel in Summer 2006 was the result of the Iranian and Syrian governments' support.
News ID: 3005    Publish Date : 2015/07/25

Hezbollah's political bureau chief:
Rasa – Hezbollah's political bureau chief stated that the downfall of the Bashar Al-Assad regime will only benefit the Zionist regime and the arrogant powers.
News ID: 221    Publish Date : 2013/04/25