Rasa News Agency reports – Ayatollah Sayyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri, the director of the Islamic Seminaries throughout Iran, led Friday prayers at the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’soumah in Qom this week. In his sermon, His Eminence touched upon many national and international issues of concern, including the Israeli attacks on Gaza, Takfiri terrorism in Iraq, the Iranian economy, Iranian nuclear negotiations and the Iran Air plane crash in Tehran.
He referred to a meeting between Iranian ambassadors and diplomatic officials with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and said that Iran’s leadership has shown that it views the Islamic Republic of Iran through the goals of diplomacy.
Ayatollah Bushehri warned the ambassadors to not be afraid of the might of the great powers in relation to Iran. Iran is divinely blessed because it follows the great slogan of Imam Khomeyni (RA) wherein he expressed: “America can’t do a damn thing.”
The Qom Friday prayer leader referred to Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks in regard to the lack of a relationship with the Zionist regime and the United States. He expressed that Iran does not legitimize the usurper Israel and the United States due to their hostility and threats toward the Iranian nation. He stated that Ayatollah Khamenei said that the United States is becoming bolder and has imposed gradually harsher sanctions.
His Eminence pointed out two examples of the false assumptions regarding the negotiations with the P5+1 group of countries. The first false assumption brought forward is that some of the countries and groups thought that Iran had been destabilized by the United States and that the absolute position of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution had been weakened due to the discussions. The second assumption is that the United States had placed further demands on the table.
In another part of his sermon, Ayatollah Bushehri expressed satisfaction that the political process in Iraq is forward and said: “We hope that the political situation in Iraq will stabilize, because the root of all the security and military problems there are due to political issues. Political issues will remain unresolved until the military and security issues are resolved.”
Ayatollah Bushehri explained that hypocritical behaviour of the Americans in regard to fighting the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and stated: “The Americans say they wanted to target the Islamic State [militarily] but they could not hide their hypocrisy. Why didn’t the Americans deal with these terrorists when they entered Mosul?! America and the West’s interests are in creating division and vulnerability among Muslims.”
He stated said that the Zionist regime has been defeated in the Gaza Strip: “From a moral perspective, they have been definitely defeated because all the people of the world have been disgusted by this usurper regime. The Zionist regime was also defeated militarily because they could not destroy all of the tunnels that they wanted to. Even within Israel there have been murmurings that [Benyamin] Netanyahu should be dismissed. We are hopeful that they will also be defeated by political negotiations.”
In another part of his sermon, Ayatollah Bushehri expressed his condolences with the survivors of the Iran Air plane crash victims and demanded that the authorities seriously investigate the cause of the crash. Some officials took a long time to announce the reasons for the plane crash. Officials need to take extra care because life is important and valuable.
In reference to the government’s package of proposals to get out of recession, Ayatollah Bushehri said: “Their moves are a good step but the government and parliament need to plan carefully so that inflation does not continue to rise. Information of concern has reached us shows that manufacturing jobs have been seriously stagnated.”