Rasa News Agency reports – Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi delivered the last of his Ramadhan series of lectures for IRIB’s Channel 3 television program “Fountain of Knowledge.” He discussed the importance of ones actions and deeds during the holy month of Ramadhan.
His Eminence prayed for acceptance of the acts of obedience to God and the worship of the believers of the Iranian nation during the holy month of Ramadhan and also that the many problems and tragedies occurring in the world of Islam and amongst Muslims would be solved soon.
He explained that Muslims must try to take the lessons learned during the holy month of Ramadhan and make use of them throughout the rest of the year so that they permanently effect them. “There is a difference between the validity of ones acts of worship performed and their acceptance. In order to have our actions accepted by God, we must always strive that the effects of our actions become established in our being,” His Eminence explained.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained the divine rewards of fasting depend on the effects of our worship which are manifested in us: “If one performs acts of worship and avoids sin and obeys the commands of God, their deeds will be accepted.”
He explained that spending unlawfully earned money causes ones deeds and acts of worship to be unacceptable, and added: “One of the conditions for the acceptance of ones deeds and acts of worship is repentance.”
“One of the most important conditions for the acceptance of one’s deeds and acts of worship is the acceptance of the wilayah or guardianship of the 12 infallible Imams. Without accepting their guardianship, one cannot expect their actions to be acceptable, His Eminence added.
“The acceptance of guardianship is not just stating the shahadatayn (declarations of faith: “there is no god but God and Muhammad is His Messenger”) and outwardly displaying one’s love for the Prophet Muhammad (S) and the Ahlul-Bayt (A), but guardianship must be manifest in ones deeds and acts of worship, as well as ones entire life,” Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi emphasized.
“The society and nation which accepts the guardianship of Imam Ali (A) must manifest it in their administration, institutions, markets, websites, media, publications, celebrations and treaties, as well as all other fields,” he added.
Everyone must strive to make the country which takes the name of Imam Ali (A) and the Ahlul-Bayt (A) to be the best model for human and Islamic moral behaviour and to implement their methods. The most important duty toward the culture of guardianship is to export the Islamic Revolution.