Rasa News Agency – On the eve of International al-Quds Day, Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani issued a message of support for the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza and expressed hatred for the illegitimate Zionist regime.
The following is Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani’s statement:
In His Name, the Most High
as-Salaamu Alaykum (Peace be Upon You All),
Our first statement in regards to al-Quds Day, which is a [religious holy] day in Islam, is to the countries of ‘global arrogance’ and all the states which are associated and allied with them. After condemning their crimes, [we hope that] this era of lies, deceit and deception will come to an end and an era of justice and freedom will be established.
Our second message is to the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza: you are not alone and the hearts of all Muslims and freedom-seekers are with you and will support you and your perseverance and resistance will reward you. They give their salutations to your martyrs and soldiers on the path of resistance and we give our glad tidings to you that the noble city of al-Quds (Jerusalem) will return to the open arms of the Muslim nation.
To the Zionists and the occupiers, who do not do anything but cause destruction, murdering and many other criminal acts during their entire shameful lives, we say that the entire duration of your miserable lives will lead to your end. According to the words of Imam of the Islamic ummah (community) [Imam Khomeini], this cancer will be eradicated.
In conclusion; while condemning the barbarous crimes of the Zionist regime against all Muslims and freedom-seekers and the noble and great Islamic community it is necessary for a widespread and passionate presence at al-Quds Day demonstrations. With a strong step and pounding slogans and passionate hatred are our announcement to this criminal and arrogant regime and for all Zionists and their supporters to show our support for all the oppressed people of the world, especially the oppressed nation of Palestine, so that they know that the Zionist regime is counting its breaths.
May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you,
Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani
23 July, 2014