Rasa News Agency - Ayatollah Sayyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri, the Friday prayer leader of Qom, told the believers gathered for Friday prayers at the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’soumah that the attacks by the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip have created bitter pain in the hearts of the worldwide Islamic community.
“The Zionist occupiers are attacking the oppressed Palestinians from the air, land and sea and since the beginning of the current conflict, hundred of innocent people have been martyred and thousands more have been injured. These monstrosities have created overwhelming grief in the hearts of the Islamic ummah (community),” Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri explained.
His Eminence emphasized the widespread participation of people in the worldwide International al-Quds Day demonstrations is a lasting legacy of the late Imam Khomeini. “Prepare yourselves to participate in the demonstrations with the utmost splendour.”
He explained: “By the grace of God, the plots of the enemies will return to them. Today, the strength of the Islamic resistance has increased. Before their missiles only had a 40-kilometre range, but now they can reach up to 140 kilometres away!”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri explained that the Zionists have suffered great losses in this war: “They haven’t had any peace and comfort. The thundering roars of the Palestinians’ rockets have interrupted the Zionists’ sleep. Meanwhile, the United States of America also supports the Zionist regime, the international community has remained silent in the face of this aggression and has done very little to help the Palestinian people.”
“Unfortunately, the time has come when the Islamic community sees the Gaza issue as an internal matter. Some sit on their money and have so many material goods but give their money to terrorists when their brothers in Iraq are being killed,” Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said.
“It is not clear of which religion or sect these terrorists are because they have no mercy or compassion. Fortunately, after the fatwa (edict) issued by the religious authorities in Iraq has stopped the progress of the ISIL and their masters. We are hopeful that step by step, Iraqi cities will be freed from the hands of these people,” he added.
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri expressed his regrets over the political conflicts between the various groups and parties in Iraq: “These issues are very worrisome. While the enemies are before you, you quarrel and fight over positions and statuses. What is this for? Why do you not help solve each others’ problems? In the middle of a battle, you should determine the value of your fight. You should be able to engage each other to drive out the enemy!”
In another part of his sermon, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri referred the meeting of President Hasan Rohani’s cabinet with the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei and noted: “The Supreme Leader’s warned in this meeting about cultural issues, not allowing the enemies to influence our calculation system and not falling into error and materialism.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri offered his condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A), who sacrificed his life for Islam, saying: “the people do not understand the value of Imam Ali (A).”
His Eminence encouraged the believers to guard their faith, saying: “Sins nullify acts of worship and create problems which are the cause of self-oppression. Unfortunately, during the month of Ramadhan, many stay up all night and watch corrupt satellite programs on television. This new form of sinning has caused new evils in society!”
At the end of his speech, Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri mentioned: “Understand the value of the Nights of Power. Also, do not forget to help orphans during this month.”