Rasa News Agency reports – Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani has been delivering a series of Ramadhan lectures on IRIB’s Channel One on a program called “Fountain of Knowledge.” On the eighth night of the blessed month of fasting, he spoke about the importance of Muslim unity.
He explained that al-Qaedah, the Taleban, ISIL, and Boko Haram were created and are supported by the enemies of Islam: “These cults were created so that Israel can comfortably create tyranny and commit crimes in Muslim countries which the United States can take advantage of the discord to dominate Muslims.”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani regretfully warned so-called Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia: “Like Imam Khomeini explained in his last will: ‘if Saudi Arabia claims to be the ‘Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques’ and that it acts according to Quranic commandments, than why does it give more importance to its enormous hoard of petrodollars over Muslim unity and service to Muslim community and place itself under the domination and servitude of America and World Zionism?!’”
The great source of emulation pointed to the forgetfulness of the message of Holy Quran by some arrogant Islamic countries before the Islamic Revolution in Iran: “The Islamic Republic of Iran brought the Holy Quran from the scene of cemeteries and funerals to the scene of life and society. There is a large difference from the previous confinement of the Quran to these outward manifestations of the religion and carelessness [towards its great status] to the implementation of Islamic rulings and Quranic commandments [that we have today].”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani emphasized that the Islamic world must unite and follow the message of the Holy Quran: “God has said in the Quranic chapter al-Anbiya [The Prophets]: ‘Surely this Islam is your religion, one religion (only), and I am your Lord, therefore serve Me’ [21:92]. This means that wherever the Muslims are in the world, despite the national borders between them, they composed of one nation. Then God continues: ‘And they broke their religion (into sects) between them: to Us shall all come back.’ [21:93] This means that Muslims should grab hold of the rope of God and not go astray.”
His Eminence explained that Islamic unity was given much attention by the Prophet Muhammad: “In a metaphor, the Prophet compared Muslims to the parts of the body of a human; if someone experiences discomfort or pain in one limb, the rest of the limbs also experience discomfort and attempt to relieve the pain.”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani explained that in narrations from the Prophet Muhammad explain that the Muslim community is one body which is made up of many parts and limbs. Muslims must establish a single Islamic community which can be accomplished by guarding their unity. Muslims are considered brothers of each other, as God has said in the Quran: “Muhammad is the Apostle of God, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves.” [48:29]
His Eminence explained that the narration “Hadith ath-Thaqalayn” [Narration of the Two Weighty Things] is considered mutawatir – it has been related so many times by so many people that there is no doubt about its authenticity. In the book al-Muraja’at [known in English as ‘A Shi’ah-Sunni Dialogue’ or ‘The Right Path’], Sayyid Abdul-Husayn Sharafuddin al-Musawi explains that the Prophet Muhammad narrated his tradition five separate times – during a sermon at his farewell pilgrimage, when leaving the city of Ta’if after his journey there, at the pond of Khum (Ghadir Khum) where he announced Imam Ali as his successor and as the first Imam, from his pulpit in the mosque of Madinah in front of his companions, and from inside his blessed bed chamber during the sickness just before his death, when the room was full of his companions.
His Eminence concluded by explaining the commonalities between the Quran and the Ahlul-Bayt: “The Quran and the Ahlul-Bayt are both have a high status as they are guides and leaders for humankind which have been protected from sin and error and have been made infallible so that their light can lead humankind to the correct path.”