Rasa News Agency – In a continuation of his Ramadhan lecture series regarding the Quranic chapter “az-Zumar” (The Troops) at Madrassah al-Hujjatiyah in Qom, Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani gave a detailed exegesis of the fifth verse.
His Eminence explained the distinction between non-believers and believers: “According to the Quran, the pagans have two characteristics: the first was whenever it was said to them: “there is no god but God,” they became greatly upset. This is expressed by the Quranic verse: “Surely they used to behave proudly when it was said to them: There is no god but God” [37:35].
The second characteristic is described in the verse: “And when God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! They are joyful [39:45].”
Today, we have an example of this among us in the Takfiris, a group of so-called Muslims who call all other Muslims “infidels.” It is clear that these Takfiris have no knowledge of the Quran.
The distinction between a pagan and a believer is indicated in the aforementioned two verses. The Quran emphasizes that the pagan Arabs were fearful of monotheism. They accepted that there was only one God, Allah, who was the creator of all of existence. However, the pagans also placed beside him gods who were the administrators of this existence. For example, one of these gods would bring about day, and other would bring about night, and yet another god would guide the earth on its orbit around the sun! However, God repeatedly emphasizes that He alone is both the creator and the administrator of all that exists in the heavens and the earth and is in complete control of all things.
Ayatollah Sobhani explained that in creating the world and all that is in it, God had a clear purpose. God created mankind so that he would come to know God and return to Him after reaching spiritual completion. The Quran explains that this world is not permanent and it has an end. This world will end with the Day of Judgement. All that is in existence will cease to exist because only God is eternal, including the sun and moon. Even modern science explains that the sun’s energy is limited and will run out one day.
His Eminence gave the example that human work is such that he creates a object, such as an automobile which comes out of a factory and can potentially break immediately thereafter. But God’s work is not like this as it is so precise and ordered that there is no error in it.
Ayatollah Sobhani explained that verse five ends by noting two of the attributes of God – “...Indeed, He is the All-Mighty, the All-Forgiver! [39:5]. His Eminence explained that with all of the authority that man has found on this earth, he still has very limited power. In regards to the attribute “All-Forgiver,” Ayatollah Sobhani explains that when man gains great power, such as a king who is an oppressor of his people, he often forgets moral behaviours and does not perform certain necessary deeds. However, God is not like this. He has absolute power over all of His creations but is still forgiving and merciful towards His creations.