Rasa News Agency reports - Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad-Ali Alavi-Gorgani has met with a group of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officers from across Iran. His Eminence stressed upon the necessity of taking advantage of the opportunities during the upcoming holy month of Ramadhan and that everyone should prepare themselves for this grand and blessed month.
He mentioned that many narrations from the Prophet Muhammad describe the month of Ramadhan as God’s month, and these narrations, as well as the Holy Quran, describe the bountiful blessings of this month.
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani explained that man must be prepared for all types of work and that part of preparations for the holy month of Ramadhan including cleansing oneself spiritually so that they can take full advantage of the blessings that this month has to offer.
The great seminary professor explained that one of the specialities of Ramadhan is it is a great opportunity to wean oneself off of harmful acts that lead to sinning, saying: “Man must be careful of his actions and behaviours during Ramadhan, and to avoid lying, slandering and to distance oneself from sins; and to perform actions which are beneficial in this month.”
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani explained that: “Sins during the blessed month of Ramadhan melt like salt dissolves in water and purify man.”
His Eminence also stressed that man must pay attention to the hereafter: “Man must consider this world as a path to gain happiness in the hereafter and to make use of the opportunities in this world [for the hereafter].”
All actions must be done for the satisfaction of God, he explained: “Having pure intentions and performing goods for the sake of God bring great rewards and blessings from God.”
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani also strongly condemned the terrorism and crimes of the Takfiri group “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS),” describing these terrorists as impure men whose impurity is due to the impurity of their parents and the society in which they were raised. They are people who have gone far astray from the true path of Islam, which is the same path that the Prophet Muhammad and his blessed and infallible family have taught us: “Those who have gone astray from God, His Prophet and the Infallible Imams have performed a wicked and brutish action.”