Rasa News Agency reports - Ayatollah Abbas-Ali Soleymani, the representative of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, in the province of Sistan and Bolouchestan and the Friday prayer leader of Zahedan, has explained that the actions and behaviours of the terrorist groups “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), al-Qaeda and the Taleban are strategies by the powers of ‘global arrogance’ to provide a violent face of Islam and to promote Islamophobia in the world.”
Ayatollah Soleymani explained that these Takfiri terrorist groups are the best investment for the West and the enemies of Islam. The enemies of Islam install these groups in order to use the violence of these groups against true Muslims. They seek to combat the spread of the light of Islam in the world and the Islamic Awakening. There have been reports from Mosul that a group of 20 Sunni scholars and 700 Shi’ites civilians, including small children, were beheaded with saws. These inhuman terrorists have no connection to Islam and Muslims. Rather, they are fighting against Islam and killing innocent Muslims.
Ayatollah Soleymani described ISIL as a true representation of barbarity: “Those who have violated the privacy and security of the people are just looking to secure the benefits of the West and showing a harsh version of Islam only helps the enemies.”
His Eminence explained that the un-Islamic actions and behaviours of ISIL in Iraq show their real face to Muslims and to the world. The civil war that they have started in Syria is not between Shi’ites and Sunnis nor is it a sectarian war, as the Western media claims. Rather, the war is the result of Takfirism which is not condemned and is actually supported by many Western media outlets. They have created the excuse that they are fighting against the “Asad regime,” but they have created insecurity, violence, murder and pillaging in Syria.
Presently, the people of Sistan and Bolouchestan are well acquainted with the true nature of ISIL as they have been suffering from Takfiri-linked terrorism themselves. They have heard about the recent decree of His Eminence, Ayatollah Sistani, and the call of many Sunni scholars to maintain Islamic unity and to fight against ISIL.
Ayatollah Soleymani explained that Islamic unity is the key to the resistance against ISIL and it shows the true face of Islam to the world: “ISIL tries to show the world that its activities in Iraq are part of a worldwide Islamic awakening but its activities show the opposite. An announcement of condemnation is another strategy by the Muslims which can show the true face of Islam to the world.”
The war with ISIL in Iraq is not a war between Shi’ites and Sunnis but it is a jihad or struggle by the entire Islamic community against a single Takfiri group. Thus, those Muslims who fight against ISIL gain the reward of one who had fought with the Prophet Muhammad.
His Eminence explained that Shi’ites and Sunnis must work together to promote Islamic unity: “The progress of the Muslim community and the spread of the light of Islam in the world can only be acheived with unity. The emphasis on sectarian and religious differences leads to the growth of Takfiri groups which seek only murder and plunder in Islamic countries. Thus, the key to destroying these Takfiri groups lies in increasing regional security and Islamic unity.”