Rasa News Agency reports - Sayyed Mohammad Azimi, a producer and radio host, spoke at the holy city of Qom’s Madrassah al-Faydhiyah at the first workshop held regards to satellite channels which promote sedition and division.
The Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, has issued an edict banning any form of discriminating action against the household of the Prophet Muhammad (S) and Sunni sanctities. This edict has been endorsed by several prominent Shi’ah jurisprudents.
“There are 14,000 satellite channels being broadcast in Asia, most of which are being broadcast from Iran, and of these about 8,000 of these satellite channels broadcast negative and false propaganda about Islam, particularly Shi’ah Islam,” Sayyed Azimi said.
Many satellite channels have been broadcasting anti-Islamic programs and trying to tear apart the unity between Sunni and Shi’ah Muslims. It is obvious that these channels have dubious sources. “Today, our enemies are broadcasting messages and their sinister demands. The sources of many of these channels can be traced back to Zionists and Jews,” Sayyed Azimi stated.
“Unfortunately, we must acknowledge the fact that many of the programs produced by the West are aimed at third world countries, including Iran. Often, legitimate Iranian networks broadcast their programs. This is a major threat to children,” he said, in reference to the cartoons and movies which are often broadcast on Iranian state television stations.
Sayyed Azimi referred to the huge damage these Western programs have on the minds of the easily manipulated youth by their promotion of anti-religious viewpoints: “Many of the programs that children and adolescents watch today are readily and easily available. They watch them frame by frame. [These films] even broadcast music which is religiously prohibited and some contain sexual content, in which our children learn from.”
In the end, he reiterated the need to educate and inform parents about the dangers of some of today’s media: “By providing parents with sufficient information they can train their children [properly]. This will help them keep their children away from the path of anti-religiousness and immorality.”