Rasa News Agency reports - On the auspicious birth anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (A), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei (HA), spoke to thousands of people at Imam Khomeini (RA) Husayniyah in the province of Ilam.
Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence highlighted Imam Ali’s (A) characteristics - particularly the lofty goal that he had during his caliphate. The Leader said: “One of the lessons that Imam Ali (A) taught with the purpose of achieving true happiness for the Islamic community was the effort to improve the living conditions of the people and to solve their economic problems. In the present conditions, this goal can be achieved by developing good plans for activating the infinite capacities of the country and for relying on our young talents.”
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: “It is in such conditions that the country will make progress in material, psychological and moral areas and in areas related to international credibility, dignity and national self-confidence. It is in such conditions that the country will be liberated from the arrogance of and being beholden to foreign enemies.”
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Imam Ali’s (A) individual, social and governmental behaviour as one of the outstanding dimensions of his personality, reiterating: “During the time that the Commander of the Faithful (A) was a great and powerful ruler with a vast and wealthy country at his disposal, he lived like a poor person in a modest house. During this time, he showed resistance in order to administer justice and observe divine obligations and he accomplished great feats.”
His Eminence described Imam Ali’s (A) lofty goals to help people achieve paradise as another important characteristic of his life, stressing: “The Commander of the Faithful (A) stated that this lofty goal is to help people achieve paradise and play an influential role in intellectual, psychological and spiritual areas and in their social lives. This is a very important issue. This is one of the most import responsibilities of an Islamic ruler.”
Referring to some people who question the responsibility of the Islamic government to help people achieve paradise, he stated: “The responsibility of an Islamic ruler is to help people achieve true happiness. Of course, this does not mean imposition and bullying. Rather it means that, considering people’s natural inclination towards happiness, the ground should be prepared to help them achieve this goal.”
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution mentioned: “If the Islamic community reaches the peak of material, scientific and industrial progress, social relations and national and international dignity, but people fall into disgrace when they die and enter the hereafter, then society has not achieved true happiness.”
Ayatollah Khamenei said that one of the ways to help people achieve true happiness is to make an effort to improve the living conditions of people and to uproot poverty, unemployment, class inequality and discrimination. He reiterated: “By God’s favour, officials are after solving the economic problems of the people today, but their thoughts and ideas should be cohesive so that the right path can be identified.”
His Eminence stressed that implementing the general policies on the economy of resistance and relying on domestic capabilities and talents is the proper way to solve economic problems. He mentioned: “Whenever we relied on the innovation and talents of motivated, religious and pure youth and whenever we appreciated their value, the bubbling springs of progress began to emerge. Our achievements in the area of nuclear energy, pharmaceuticals, stem cells, nanotechnology and industrial-defensive plans are the clear examples of this reality.”
He said: “It is by paying attention to such realities that we can understand this statement by Imam Khomeini (RA): ‘America cannot do a damn thing.’”
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: “If we activate domestic capacities and focus on domestic capabilities, then America and other powers will not be able to do a damn thing - whether in military or other areas - and they will not be able to bring the people of Iran to their knees.”
Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: “Powers should know that the people of Iran will not be brought to their knees because they are a lively people and because the youth of the country are moving on the right path.”
Elsewhere in his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his gratitude to the people, scholars and outstanding personalities of Ilam province for their resistance and glories during different eras of the Islamic Revolution, particularly their resistance during the Sacred Defence Era.