Rasa News Agency reports - Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani has met with members of the Central Organization for I’tikaf. He advised that self-purification and self-education are two important things that the believers can gain from i’tikaf. “If we want to seed the hearts of the youth with faith, we must [help them] clean their hearts.”
I’tikaf is an Islamic practice consisting of a period of retreat in a mosque for a certain number of days in accordance with the believer’s own wish. It is most common during the month of Ramadhan, especially the last ten days.
Ayatollah Sobhani explained that performing i’tikaf can help one purify his heart and soul and teaches the believer to always be in remembrance of God. He explained that in these modern times there many effective sources of both guidance and misguidance for the youth.
“Our enemies are planning to corrupt the minds of our young people, [but] the role of the clergy in the guidance of the youth is very important as they are able to nourish their souls so that faith can enter into their hearts,” the source of emulation explained.
After the Islamic Revolution, much more attention has been given to i’tikaf. “I’tikaf is not just for the month of Rajab but can be performed in any month. It also does not need to be performed in a congregational mosque. Especially in Qom, there is a widespread belief that i’tikaf must be performed at a congregational mosque [such as the Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’soumah]” Ayatollah Sobhani explained.
He encouraged the believers to listen to the speeches made by scholars during i’tikaf as they can have a great spiritual effect on those performing i’tikaf. He also encouraged the believers to make the most of their time during i’tikaf. I’tikaf can completely change one’s life.
Ayatollah Sobhani said that the Prophet Muhammad (S) gave great importance to i’tikaf saying that if the Prophet (S) couldn’t perform i’tikaf one year, he would perform one in its place.