Rasa News Agency reports - Today, Ayatollah Hosein Nouri-Hamadani met with a group of employees from the Ministry of Defence. The eminent source of imitation discussed the honour of combat against the oppressors of the Shi’ah. “In some Islamic schools of thought, anyone who was victorious against and took control of a government was a commander and everyone obeyed him. Thus, the Sauds, the Khalifahs, and the Nahyan families must be obeyed no matter what. But in contrary to this stance, the Shi’ah believe in justice. It is an honour for us that we do not accept oppression and we must fight against it,” he said.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani also described the system of Wilayat al-Faqih (the Guardianship of the Jurisprudent) as one of the distinctions of Shi’ism: “For many years, the United States and the Zionists and the other global powers have studied how Iran was able overthrow the oppressive Pahlavi dynasty. The result [of the Islamic Revolution] was a result of the lessons of Ashura and Fatimiyah. This teaches us that by following the guardianship of the Ahlul-Bayt (A), and fighting against oppression, we will be victorious.”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani also discussed the importance of the “Hereafter” in Islam: “We must know that this world is only a transient place. This world is only a stage in our life in which we are only passing through to a permanent world [heaven].”
He explained that the concept of the “Day of Judgement” is one of the most important issues in Islamic theology. “Don’t view your actions as simple acts because on the Day of Judgement, you will be rewarded by God for all your good and beautiful acts and you will be punished in the hellfire for all your bad actions and sins,” he explained.
“On the Day of Judgement, everyone will be gathered together and will understand the true meaning of this transient world (dunya). We have a narration which states that the hypocrites will speak two languages because of how they acted towards others in this world. They spoke in one way to others and another, in a deceptive manner, to each other,” he added.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani then explained the exalted position of the martyrs and those who strive on the path of God [mujahidin]. These exalted people will be gathered on the Day of Judgement with their arms. After the battle of Uhud, the Prophet Muhammad (S) ordered that the martyrs be buried in the same clothes that they fought in and be buried without ghusl [ritual ablution] and a burial shroud. This was because on the Day of Judgement, they will be raised in the same manner and the martyrs’ blood will give off a pleasant scent.”
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani also explained that in the Quranic chapter “al-Hajj” [The Pilgrimage], God refers to the wonders of creation. God wants to show mankind His power. Without doubt, mankind was formed from soil into a perfect creation with intelligence and beauty. On the Day of Judgement, man, whose physical body had deteriorated in the grave, will rise from the dead, and all his parts will be gathered together again.”