Rasa News Agency reports – Today, at the end of his Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence class, Grand Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani mentioned a tradition from the ninth infallible Imam, ‘Ali al-Hadi (A), and said “man must know the value of the opportunities of his youth, and to make use of these opportunities in the best way possible.”
“Remorse and guilt because of one’s past actions can destroy one’s body and soul,” he warned.
Young students of the religious sciences should use their limited time wisely and understand the value of the valuable opportunities that have been given to them. These youth should persist from vain activities which carry their minds away from their studies.”
The eminent source of imitation says that the Islamic Seminary is in need of mujtahids (those who can make independent reasoning from Islamic sources) in order to solve the issues which face society in this modern age. “The seminary has a fundamental need for mujtahids who are knowledgeable and aware of today’s issues,” Ayatollah Sobhani stated.
“Ijtihad (Islamic legal reasoning) is a valuable tool which can solve all the issues and problems which have emerged recently. Traditional jurisprudence is based on the principles and rules that address the needs of the day,” he added.