Rasa News Agency Reports- Ali Ilahi the president of the Red Crescent in the holy city of Qom in a press conference today morning announced the opinion of Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani in relation towards donating blood and said: “We have sent a letter to this great jurist informing about the necessity of this society towards blood and the advancement made in this field and the great threat to this city if the required amount of blood is not made.”
Ilahi continued saying: “In this letter we asked what the Islamic verdict is in regards to donating blood to hospital patients? and if necessary does it become compulsory donating blood?
The president of Red Crescent mentioned: “Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani responded to this question as follows: “Those who donate blood to those who are in need of blood for the sake of God will be rewarded in the hereafter god willing…”