Supervisor of the international department of Scholars Association:
Rasa- The supervisor of the international department for Scholars Association or Jema’ah Modarasain saidWahabism and other extremist are outside the fold of Islam and are enemies with all Islamic sects

Rasa News Agency reports– Sheikh Hakim Ilahi who is responsible for the international department for the Scholars Associations in the holy city of Qom in an interview with Rasa News Agency for the week of unity and the birthday of the holy Prophet expressed: “When we say unity between sects we mean it in regards with the Islamic world; Wahabism and Salafi Extremist are not part of the Islamic world.”
He added: “Wahhabis are not only against the Shia sect, they are against followers from all sects in Islam; this sect is a tool in the hands of the imperialists and arrogant regimes in order to misrepresent the face of Islam and push the Islamophobia project of the enemies.”
Sheikh Hakim Ilahi recognized the Islamic Awakening to have occurred from the blessing of the holy Prophet and stated: “The current conditions of the Islamic World is a good opportunity to write articles and books on topics like theology and the life of the prophet so all the Muslims could use this information more to understanding the original Islam of the holy Prophet.
Sheikh Hakim Ilahi who is also in charge of the international relations of Al-Mustafa University said that the topics like theology, tradition and history of the Prophet are accepted by all Muslims in the world and mentioned: “the common ground between every Muslim in the world is the sole existence of the holy Prophet and we must use this great and honorable character and this exceptional opportunity to bring the Muslims sects together and united.”
The head of the international department of the Scholars Association in saying one of the fundamentals of Islam is unity expressed: “the issue of unity does not mean that we do not stand on our specific beliefs; every Islamic sect has its detailed belief and unity is not suppose to change or expel another group belief.”
He said the goals of the Unity between sects are: “We must encourage and make one body so that body can face the enemies of Islam and the arrogant powers.”
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