Ayatollah Araki request:
Rasa- Secretary General of the World Forum Proximity of Islamic Schools announced that the Zionists are the cause of disunity between Muslims and requested that the international organization recognize insults towards holy divine religious figures as a crime.

Rasa News Agency Reports – Ayatollah Mohsen Araki which is the secretary general of the World Forum Proximity of Islamic Schools today morning in a gathering with news reporters said: “The personality of the holy Prophet which is a guide for the Islamic world and a great leader for the Muslims and the true Islamic identity can be a pillar used to create and strengthen unity amongst the Islamic world.”
The Secretary General with expressing that the week of unity in today political situation has a lot of importance stated: “One of the reason why the week of unity is more important today is because the growth of the Islamic Ummah and the awakening of the Islamic Nations which can be seen by the revolution occurring in the Islamic countries.”
Ayatollah Araki main message to the revolution in the Islamic countries was to return to the true Islamic Identity, the holy Quran and the prophet and mentioned: “This year the week of Unity has the ability to direct and strengthen these Islamic uprising in the positive way.”
Ayatollah Araki in his speech pointed out that by seeing the enemies working harder against unity between the Muslims it shows how important the week of unity is and expressed: “Today the Islamic Society are suffering from two types of attack, one attack being from outside of Islam focusing on the unity of the Muslims which can be seen by the repetitive insults towards the Holy Prophet on western media outlets or the holy Quran; and violations towards the holy Quran are only done by the opponents of humanity.”
He added: “These attacks are all aimed at weakening the secret to success which is unity through attacking the divine prophet Muhammad.” He considered the other type of attack to be an attack from within Islam and explained: “These attacks are carried out by people within Islam but are organized and planned and supported by the global Zionist movement and its supporters in order to sow sedition and division between Muslims.”
Ayatollah Araki in his meeting with the news reporters for the week of unity said: “Today the enemies by using there agents in countries like Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon and Syria; are sowing discords and starting sedition between Muslims through insulting one another religious figures so Shia and Sunni Muslims become pessimistic towards each other. “
The Secretary General of the World Forum Proximity of Islamic Schools stated that the enemies method to start division between Shia and Sunni Muslims is by inciting people who say they are Shia while in reality they are not and encouraging them to insult the wives of the prophet and in the other hand the enemies are provoking other people to insult the Shia and give verdicts that the Shia blood is allowed to be shed. The Secretary General continued to say: “Both movements which are starting fitna amongst Muslims are working against Shia and Sunni and they are being supported by foreigners.”
His eminence mentioned: “These attacks and movements today have reached there peak and that is because the Islamic awakening greatness which has occurred in the Islamic countries.”
Ayatollah Mohsen Araki addresses the United Nations to recognize insults towards holy religious figures as a crime and expressed: “Culture and divine figures for a country is part of the identity of that country and one of the rights of every country is to feel secure and security of cultural identity is one type of security of a nation.”
The Week of Unity started after the Islamic Revolution of Iranby the order of the late Imam Khomeini in order to strengthen and maintain unity between the Muslims and Islamic nations. This year the World Forum Proximity of Islamic Schools is organizing the 26th International Islamic Unity conference and has invited Muslims from all sects across the globe to attend this Islamic Conference in Tehran.
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