Rasa News Agency reports- His Eminence Ayatollah Noori Hamadani being an Islamic Jurist, on Wednesday in his class analyzed the sedition that happen during the 2009 election in Iran.
His eminence defined sedition (fitna) as a mix of truth with falsehood and expressed: “Some in the 2009 election started the sedition by giving slogans like “No to Gaza, No to Lebanon, May my life be sacrificed for Iran” and disregarded our values, but the people gave a hard slap to such people.”
Ayatollah Hamadani expressed that through the guidance of the Leader of the revolution and the awareness of the people, the enemies and sedition makers plot in the 2009 election failed and said: “The strength of the people roar caused the sedition makers to be isolated, but of course we must always be aware of the ill-minded and enemies plans against this regime.”
The great teacher in the Islamic Seminary added: “Unfortunately there was a group due to lack of insight, were not able to distinguish the truth and thus were either supporting the sedition makers or chosen to be quiet about them.”
Ayatollah Hamadani in part of his speech stressed to the Muslim Nation that in this era the need for unity and brotherhood is more than any era and that most of the problems that Muslim face stems from division and separation and noted: “If the Islamic Nations had Unity and one voice no enemy would be able to dominate us.”
He expressed the Islamic awakening is a worthwhile opportunity for Muslims in the world and re-emphasized parts of the Leader of the revolution speech by saying:”The Islamic awakening has caused the hegemony camps to be afraid and in panic.
This Islamic Jurist assured:”These hegemonic powers, America and the west are using all there force and power to suppress and distort the Islamic awakening, but certainly with the awareness of the Muslim Nation they would not be able to suppress it.”
Ayatollah Hamadani mentioned the main enemy of Islam is wahabism and added: “These who are paid by the hegemonic powers and do actions far from logic and intellect and consider the invocation of the pure household of the holy prophet as polytheist, while they themselves invoke on American and hegemonic powers.”