Rasa News Agency Reports - The Prophet of Islam, similar to other divine prophets, started and continued his invitation and guidance for two reasons:
1) To familiarize the people with divine knowledge
2) To complete the beliefs, morals and ethics of the people
Those are the teachings of the Book and wisdom on the one hand, and the purification of the souls of the people on the other hand, the way the Holy Qur’an says “Allah certainly favoured the faithful when He raised up among them an apostle from among themselves to recite to them His signs and to purify them, and to teach them the Book and wisdom, and earlier they had indeed been in manifest error.” [Surah Al-i-Imran, verse: 164].
Therefore the appointment of the Prophet can be explained as: He came for education, training and purification to lead society to divine knowledge and to correct people’s behaviour. He came to help the people achieve purification of spirit in a practical sense. The addressee of such guiding movement is the soul of the human, and not his body. Therefore the addressees of the Prophet’s message are both men and women.
The centre for the human’s education and training is the soul of the human, not his body, and not his body and soul together. That which becomes educated is his spirit, and spirit is neither masculine nor feminine. Therefore whatever that goes back to human perfection, including science, beliefs and morals is common to men and women. However, in administrative matters and labor, because of their respective bodily and natural traits, there are common and exclusive duties. But, the difference in their duties will not make difference in their level of perfection.
The woman is as able to reach perfection as a man is, and the Holy Qur’an, wherever discussing high human values, mentions women as equal to men, meaning that women can reach high a spiritual and human status just as men. Faith, obedience, honesty, patience, fear of God, fasting, self-control, and remembrance of God are achievable for every woman. And obviously, her virtuous deeds, just like a man’s, have worldly and after-worldly effects. “Whoever acts righteously, [whether] male or female, should he be faithful, We shall revive him with a good life and pay them their reward by the best of what they used to do.” [Surah Al-Nahl, verse: 97]. With this introduction, we discuss “The message of the Prophet for Muslim girls” in the points below:
Be proud of being a girl
When society regarded being a girl as embarrassing and there was hatred towards girls to such an extent that they buried girls alive, in such an environment Islam renewed the position of girls and introduced girls as “Reihanah” that means a juvenile rose.
One of the gifts of the Prophet is valuing the woman’s personality, to such an extent that the Prophet says:
Girls are benedictory and sweet.
- Your best children are your daughters.
- A sign of a woman’s fortune is that her first child is a girl.
- A good daughter is a girl that is kind, helpful, friendly, and fortunate and takes away sorrow.
Parents who have a daughter will have God’s help, benediction and blessing
When they informed the Prophet of the birth of a daughter, he used to say: “she is a flower that God feeds.”
Be proud of yourselves and be among the girls about whom the Prophet said: “What a good children are girls who wear proper Hijab and are unobtrusive.”
Take your chances
Youth is a temporary opportunity. In every moment there is a death and return for you. In a narration we read: “The world is but an hour.”
Life is too short and at the same time too valuable to be underestimated. The Great Prophet (PBUH) used to say: “On the Judgment Day, for every day of the lives of the people, there will be opened 24 files equal to the hours of a day.”
The pious find a file full of light and happiness, and experience such great happiness and delight that if it was offered to the dwellers of hell, it would take away all the hardships of the fire. And this is the reward for obeying their Creator.