Rasa News Agency Reports – In a meeting with the IRGC commanders and officials, Ayatollah Hosayn Nouri-Hamadani mentioned that Wahhabism and Salafism are threatening Islam and said: “With their oil and gas money, Saudi Arabia and Qatar seek to strengthen the ideologies of Salafism and excommunication [of all other Islamic sects who are against them].”
Mentioning the words of founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini, about the viciousness of Wahhabi groups, he said: “the enemies of Islam have made a superstitious doctrine to confront others.”
“ibn Taymiyyah in his book, ‘Minhaj as-Sunnah’ (‘The Pathway of Prophetic Tradition’) has denied everything the Shi’ites believe in with no reason given. And today, some sources of the enemy are propagating the words of ibn Taymiyyah against pure Islam.” He added.
Mentioning that the Islamic Republic is now standing against the three fronts of Wahhabism, Zionism and [international] arrogance, he declared: “Islam states that if one doesn’t surrender in the face of logic, then he/she will never accept any kind of sermon or debate. So there’s no path left but jihad against them.”
He stressed out that the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran is in spirituality, faith and following the leadership of the Supreme Leader, not in military equipment and added: “No nation in the world has faith in and follows the leadership like the Iranian nation does.”
“Wherever we travel, we witness the people of the world’s attraction to [the Iranian] revolution and Islam.” He stated.
He also mentioned that the spirituality, reliance on God and faith of Iran’s army is the best equipment an army can have and said: “Today, the world[‘s tyrants] have surrendered to our military progress along with our spiritual power.”