Rasa News Agency Reports - Ayatollah Sayyed Hashem Hosayni-Bushehri, the Friday Prayers’ Leader of Qom, in his sermon held at this weeks’ Friday Prayers in the Imam Khomeini (RA) Hall in the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’soumah (S) explained that leadership in Islam are built upon three pillars: rule, guidance, and being a firm role model. “In Islam, the foundation of leadership is being a role model,” he said.
“People see a leader based of their actions and speech and upon the foundation of that, they choose their leader and become guided, and they consent to his rule and accept him,” Ayatollah Hosayni-Bushehri continued.
Reliance upon internal capabilities and reliance on God brings success in war
Ayatollah Hosayni-Bushehri with reference to Sacred Defence Week, reflected upon the reasons for the victory of the people during the Islamic Revolution. “The nation, army, military, Basij and warriors of Islam enter the scene of jihad (struggle) with hope in God and those who come with hope in God and in [expectation of] His unseen aid and not with hope in military equipment will definitely be successful,” he stated.
“The spirit of sacrifice and the seeking of martyrdom, are among the [many] other factors for the success of the teachers of the seminary of Qom in their educational efforts,” he noted. “Martyrdom for the warriors and their families is an honour and this morale helped them attain victory,” he declared.
The representative in the Assembly of Experts for the people of Bushehr explained that the success of any country relies upon the internal capabilities. “The shortages during the Imposed War were defeated by innovation and importance paid to the internal capabilities,” he added.
“One of the nation’s chief lessons during the Sacred Defence era is self-dependency and dependency on values,” said Ayatollah Hosayni-Bushehri. “Spiritual factors and belief in God also have a large share in the victory of the Islamic Revolution,” he added.
Ayatollah Hosayni-Bushehri counted the appreciation for the warriors of the Sacred Defence era as one of the paths for continuity of the Islamic Revolution and added: “The Holy Prophet of Islam (S) in a meeting in which the warriors of Badr were present, bestowed great respect upon them. If we pay attention to this practice, then this generation of youth will understand the high status of the warriors of the Imposed War and emulate their readiness to sacrifice themselves in order to protect the Islamic Revolution.”
Necessity of explaining the warriors’ courage
He strongly valued the duties of artisans, politicians, and clerics in explaining the warriors’ self-sacrifice and martyrdom-seeking. “The courage of the warriors must be portrayed as a lasting memory,” he said.
Iran must be the flag-bearer of knowledge and ethics
In his mention of the beginning of the new school year, Ayatollah Hosayni-Bushehri stressed the necessity of heeding to the commands of teaching and ethics by the centres of education. “From the opinion of technology, some countries are more advanced than us but our country must be the flag-bearer of knowledge coupled with ethics,” he added.
America is searching for a political solution in Syria
Regarding the events occurring in Syria, Ayatollah Hosayni-Bushehri continued: “the Iranian prediction regarding Syria was achieved and it’s now obvious that the solution is not war. The global arrogance who were one day with the help and coordination of their media are. Now, they have put aside all respect by following a specific political line.
“America has seen that the resisting nations do not sit by idly and they understood that taking action will destroy [the arrogant powers]” he continued.