RNA – Speaking during his jurisprudence course in Qom’s Grand Mosque, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi explained that Iran does not say that it will not negotiate but we have realized that the West cannot be trusted and unless we stand on our own feet, we cannot solve our problems.
“They are followers of a hegemonic system and want to dominate the whole world in order to maintain their interests and do not deviate from this principle,” he said.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said democracy, human rights, global security and other such excuses are just the West’s tools in the service of world domination and a means to divert public opinion, adding: “We see that the United States, which sees itself as the most advanced state in the world, has become the close ally of the world’s most backward state, Saudi Arabia.
He explained in Saudi Arabia there is neither democracy, nor freedom, nor human rights, but the US and the Saudi regime have built a close friendship and the US has sacrificed all of their principles that they speak of for their own benefit.
“They buy cheap oil from the Saudis and sell them expensive weapons and use them for their interests. They have also launched proxy wars in Yemen, Iraq and Syria through the Saudis,” the teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom noted.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said that some American presidential candidates say that if they win the 2016 election, they will revoke the JCPOA, while it is not contrary to American interests. “We must be awake and not rely on other countries,” he stressed.