RNA – During a meet with a number of Sunni and Shi’a clerics from Syria, Ayatollah Abbas Ka’bi, a member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom explained that Iran’s recent Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections tested democracy in Iran as an appropriate model for the world.
He explained that the popular vote in the first and final word in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the popular vote should be based on Islamic law and also noted that the Islamic system of government in Iran gives importance to the rights of all people and every citizen in the country has one vote.
The representative of Khuzestan in Iran’s Assembly of Experts emphasized the need for Muslim clerics to stand against the plots of the enemies, especially their attempts to ignite conflicts between Shi’as and Sunnis and noted: “The Saudi regime and regional rulers are playing on the battlefield of the enemies of Islam.”
His Eminence emphasized that Hezbollah defends the dignity of the Islamic and Arab worlds and that the Saudi and Zionist regimes are two sides of the same coin as they stand against the Islamic resistance and a proxy war create to advance the enemies’ schemes.
The teacher in the Islamic Seminary of Qom said that for the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council to announce that the Lebanese Islamic Resistance group, Hezbollah, is a terrorist organization means a victory for Hezbollah and a defeat for the Saudi regime and the reactionary rulers of the region.
In conclusion, Ayatollah Ka’bi noted the importance of the teachings of the civilization-building teachings of Islam such as science, faith, spirituality, wisdom, mercy and kindness and emphasized jihad for the sake of God has a wide scope and we must not allow some to distort it.