RNA – Speaking to members of the Basij in Iran’s western province of Kermanshah, Hujjat al-Islam Hoseyn Taeb, the head of the Intelligence Organization of Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (IRGC), said that the United States seeks to dominate the Middle East, which is considered as the heart of the world, noting "they have engaged in various actions in their attempts to capture this region."
He explained that fighting terrorism in the region is an excuse that the US uses to pave the way to gain control of the Middle East.
“[After 9/11], the Republican Party began by seeking to change the governments and people of the region by seizing on the excuse of terrorism from Afghanistan and after that, they began their project of nation-building and state-building in Afghanistan and then Iraq but those programs failed,” he said.
Hujjat al-Islam Taeb added that the US believes that conquest of the world is only possible through the conquest of the Middle East but they’ve realized that they cannot conquer or contain Iran.
The Iranian cleric said that the US has prepared nine military solutions, including a strategy of internal influence, a strategy of containment and a strategy of engagement in order to implement its influence in Iran. “The Americans are looking for ways to bring the Iranian labour movement and university students together and find a charismatic individual to launch a velvet revolution and through it, create sectarian discord in the country,” he said.
He said that the US has understood that pre-emptive operations haven’t led to any desired and favourable results and have adopted a smart power strategy instead. “The Americans consider the Obama era as the last chance to resolve the problem of Iran,” he stressed.
Hujjat al-Islam Taeb explained that the US has changed the playing field and began negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program to obtain an agreement in an attempt to achieve its goals. The Americans were forced to make concessions to Iran in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCOPA).
“They sought to limit Iran through agreements and to limit Iran’s defense capabilities but with its missile and defence capabilities, the Islamic Republic of Iran has showed the US that they cannot restrict Iran’s military power,” he said.