RNA – In a meeting with Sayyid Shamsuddin Sharafuddin, the head of the Yemeni Scholars Association, and a number of leaders of various Yemeni parties, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi expressed his happiness to the Yemeni delegates regarding the meeting and also hoped that their travel to Iran would be beneficial for the Yemeni people.
Referring to Saudi Arabia’s brutal invasion on Yemen and their ruthless assault on the innocent Yemeni people, His Eminence noted: “We pray for you day and night and we hope that you will defeat your enemies. You must also know that your resistance will, indeed, result in your victory and your Takfiri enemy, who has already sustained crushing defeats in Syria and Iraq, will, God-willing, have the same ill-fate in Yemen as well.”
Stressing the fact that the victory of the believers is one divine sunnah and that the resistance of the Yemeni people against the invasion of the Saudi invaders will indeed result in the Yemeni people’s victory, His Eminence continued: “The world knows that the innocent people of Yemen have been harshly oppressed by the Saudi invaders. However, the Saudis’ petrodollars have influenced and silenced the political leaders of the world as well as the responsible international organizations.”
Referring to the forthcoming of the “Second World Congress on Extremism and the Takfiri Phenomenon,” Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi expressed his hope that the Yemeni scholars would actively participate in the congress, and that the congress would also address the crimes of the Saudis in their invasion of Yemen.
In the end of this cordial meeting, His Eminence asked the delegation of Yemeni scholars to give his warmest regards to the strong people of Yemen and tell them that he constantly prays for them.