RNA – In an interview with al-Alam News Network’s “Min Tehran” program on Sunday night, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki said that we are hopeful and give the whole Islamic ummah (nation) a very good piece of news that in the years to come we will witness new awakening which is wider and stronger. This new awakening is not just limited to the youth and will include cultural and scientific sectors as well. Besides, this new wave of awakening is so strong that those who do not want to join it will be forced to join it.
Ayatollah Araki said that the base of this new awakening will be to Confront and to oppose the ideas of the radical Takfiri, carnage, authoritarianism, sabotage, division among people, disruption of national unity and hatred.
Ayatollah Araki mentioned that the mission for Islamic Unity Conference is to give advice and recommendation to Islamic ummah (nation) in order to unify and mobilize the opinions of the public (ummah) and enlightening the dangers and the challenges ahead to illuminate Islamic ummah.
Ayatollah Araki added that the heart of a large part of intellectuals in Saudi Arabia is with Iran but the condition in Saudi Arabia does not allow them to travel to Iran.
He said that the removal of al-Alam, al-Manar and al-Mayadeen, is because of the great influence that they have on the public opinion of the Arab nation.
The head of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools said that Iran is the forerunner of defending the rights of the oppressed people all over the world especially the rights of the oppressed people of Palestine. He said that we consider the support of anti-Zionist resistance of Palestinian nation as duty.
Ayatollah Araki said that Israel supports terrorists in Syria and the terrorists receive weapon from the Zionist regime and are treated in the regime’s hospitals. All have heard that the head of the Zionist regime 3 years ago publically announced that Syria today is paying the price of not signing peace agreement with Israel.