RNA – Speaking to Rasa News Agency, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Mohammad Mousavinasab-Kermani, a faculty member of the Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, said the modern world, the interests and aspirations of the arrogant powers rule over those of the people and through various means, Western governments’ impose their cultural system on the world.
“Today, [independent] nations suffer from oppression and humiliation more than ever before,” he said.
Hujjat al-Islam Mousavinasab-Kermani referred to the anniversary of the beginning of the imamate of twelfth Shi’a Imam, al-Mahdi, saying that the current global events could provide hope for oppressed nations because in the Quran, God has promised victory to the weak over the oppressors and we believe that the final victory will come with the reappearance of the Hidden Imam.
His Eminence said if the West’s exercise of power throughout the world creates a need among the people throughout the world for Imam al-Mahdi from the bottom of their hearts and these freedom-seekers and people of insight cry with feel distressed, the Imam will undoubtedly reappear soon.
“The cry of ‘where is the remainder of God on earth [Imam al-Mahdi]’ is being shouted now,” the cleric said.
Hujjat al-Islam Mousavinasab-Kermani referred to Du’a al-Nudbah [Supplication of Weeping], wherein we cry to Imam al-Mahdi: “Is there any helper with whom I may lament and bewail as much as I wish?” saying that in this world where various forms of oppression are imposed on the people, if humanity does not cry, feel distressed and feel the thorns of the absence of Imam al-Mahdi, he will not appear.