RNA – Speaking at a memorial ceremony for a fighter who was martyred in Syria, Hujjat al-Islam Mahdi Taeb, the head of Ammar Camp, stated that one of the goals of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyed Ruhollah Khomeini, was to pass the banner of the Islamic Revolution to its original owner, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi, the twelfth and last Shi'a Imam.
“The strategy of passing the banner to Imam al-Mahdi is through the destruction of Israel. Imam Khomeini stated that Israel must be driven from the scene before the advent of Imam al-Mahdi will occur,” he said.
The professor in the Islamic Seminary of Qom said that Imam Khomeini said if our nation [Iran] engages in the battle against the United States in a careful manner, our youth will want to taste the nectar of victory. Israel has relied on the US and the centre of all Takfiri and terrorists groups is in Israel,” he stressed.
Hujjat al-Islam Taeb added that as soon as Israel is destroyed, the Takfiri phenomenon will be destroyed because as long as Israel exists, the terrorists and Takfiris will survive.
“The Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] has said whoever fights against Israel, will be supported by the Islamic Republic and has stressed that the West Bank should be armed which would lead to Israel being surrounded on three sides by Hezbollah and Hamas,” he said.
Stating that “the enemies who are present in Syria seek to change the equation in their favour,” he said that if the enemies become dominant in Syria they will change all the equations and through the enemies’ military presence and by bringing all kinds of terrorist forces into that country, they will create a third world war.
“If during this war, we destroy Israel, we will destroy the Takfiris,” he said.
He added that Iran’s involvement in the war in Syria was not in regard to the issue of supporting President Bashir al-Assad and his government nor is it for Syrian territory, but rather it is a battle to wipe Israel off the world scene and to hasten the return of Imam al-Mahdi.