21 November 2015 - 14:36
News ID: 3590
Rasa - Sheikh Nabil Qaouk, a top official with the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement, underlined that the decisive victory against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group is now in sight.
Sheikh Nabil Qaouk

RNA - Sheikh Qaouk, the Deputy Chairman of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, said on Friday that the Movement will respond to the recent terrorist attacks on Lebanon by thrashing the Takfiri (extremist) terrorists in the battlefield.


“We will not feel relieved until we totally defeat Daesh (ISIL),” he noted, adding that Hezbollah will stay in the war fronts as long as the Takfiri threat exists in Syria.


“We are resolute in our decisive victory against them,” Sheikh Qaouk said, reassuring that the Lebanese nation is so strong that such bombings cannot change its resolution.


Back on November 12, at least 43 people were killed and more than 200 others injured after two explosions struck the General Security Post in Hussaineya Street in Borj al-Barajneh neighborhood, southern Beirut.


The ISIL terrorist group released a statement, claiming responsibility for the bombings.



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