RNA – Speaking to Rasa News Agency in regard to the October 7th remarks made by the Supreme Leader, Hosein Sheikholeslami, the international affairs adviser to the speaker of the Iranian parliament said that the Iranian people, based on the Iranian constitution and justice, support democracy and believe that people should determine their own fate. But the American government seeks to pursue their own interests which safeguard the interests of dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and monarchies.
“This is along the lines of the [Iranian] proverb: ‘be in league with the headman and pillage the village,” he said.
Iran's Supreme Leader noted in his October 7th remarks that holding further negotiations with the United States on issues facing the Middle East is banned as it has countless disadvantages and no benefits.
Hosein Sheikholeslami stressed that the US seeks to protect the Zionist regime and the Islamic Republic is seeking to destroy this regime and these two policies are obviously contradictory and in opposition to each other.
“The Americans seek to build a regional structure that benefits Israel and wants to encourage discord among Muslims,” he said.
Sheikholeslami added that the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to strengthen Muslims and Americans seek to undermine them, Americans seek to divide the region based on different ethnic groups, but the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to strengthen the regions’ Muslims to preserve the unity of the Middle East in order to defend Muslims’ rights against the arrogant powers. “For these reasons, our policies and the US’ policies are opposed to each other,” he stressed.
The international affairs adviser emphasized that the US wants to demonstrate that Iran has negotiated with them over its national interests. “In regard to this issue, the Supreme Leader explained that: ‘Besides the nuclear issue, we do not need to negotiate in regard to any other issue with the US.’”
He added: “Until the Americans stop claiming that Iran is interfering in the fate of countries such as Palestine, Bahrain and Yemen, we will not deal with them.”
Sheikholeslami stated that certain individuals seek to beautify the image of the US within Iran and explained that these individuals are composed of two groups. The first group is dependent on the US and seeks to strengthen American policies in Iran which are “unhealthy, dependent and dangerous.”
“These are the same individuals who assisted the Americans in plots against Iran such as the incident of Tabas [Operation Eagle Claw] after the capture of the ‘Den of Spies’ [American embassy in Iran],” he said.
He explained that the other group of individuals seek to beautify the ugly and monstrous face of the US either out of ignorance, incorrect analysis or an unawareness of the true nature of the US. “We must strive to destroy the first group of individuals and raise awareness among the second,” he said.